Very good news so far. We went up and spant a couple hours in the waiting room and his nurse called us every hour on the hour with an update on how the surgery was going. After they were done she came in and told us all about it, and told us that it would still be several hours before he woke up, especially since he was such a heavy smoker. My mom said she'd tell him we were there for him. After he wakes up in recovery they're going to move him to the CCU (same as ICU) floor and keep him a couple of days, then move him to a regular room and that's when hubby, the kids and I would be up to see him. I can't hardly wait to see him... I was so very scared. My dad is my hero. He's the smartest mad I know and I just don't know how in the world I would every make it without him.
Thank you all again SO VERY much for the prayers and good thoughts. I am sure they made quite a difference in his outcome. I appreciate you all...thank you from the bottom of my families hearts.