My depressing day

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Here's my waah, waah, waah for the day...I am really bummed...

Had a horse for sale...had inquiry and seller had a horse she wanted to trade for mine. Everything was in place my horse was the breed she wanted, hers was perfect for us - just had to set up shipping times. Spoke to my vet about the impending trade to get paperwork in order.

My son saw the horse and was in love with her... he is trying to encourage me back to the riding horses...wanted her for a show prospect in that particular breed. I was excited as I wanted a horse of that breed when a deal went sour with an ex-friend of mine and she ended up with my horse twenty years ago...I was young and stupid back then... I should have least got my half of the funds on my colt, but that is another lesson learned.

Fast forward to today. Was hoping for confirmation of our deal and instead got email from seller of my son's dream horse... "someone put deposit down on my horse, and I don't need your horse." Confirmed by phone call, too.

Arrggh. :new_let_it_all_out: Can I wish the trailer at least gets a flat tire? (OK, I am being bad, but since I guess I was naughty, I was saving Santa the trip.)

I feel like someone just stole my birthday.


Silversong Farm

Have to return to making Christmas gifts for my coworkers. Waah!
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And, well....there's always the ...

"Everything happens for a reason"

saying that I always fall back on. Doesn't lessen the dissapointment, but......

So Sorry, It sure is terrible to get your hopes up about something and then it falls through.

I do agree with everything happens for a reason.

Hang in there!
I know the feeling there, had it happen on a couple of occassions. Not the end of the world, but it sure feels like it sometimes
: . Maybe something better is lurking right around the corner. I found one of my best just that way, lost the one I thought I couldn't live without and saw the "other" one a few days later, didn't think I wanted her, finally ended up trading for her and am soooooooooo happy I did. Sometimes things don't happen just the way you wan't, but hopefully it'll all work out in the end.
Thanks for the encouragement...

It is very depressing - this filly looked exactly like my very first horse and was of the same breed that I lost out on from my ex-friend.

My son said the same thing that maybe there is something better down the pike but it sure doesn't feel like it now... :no: Trades are so hard to accomplish....

Thanks for being understanding...I do appreciate it!!!


Silversong Farm
Thanks, Karla... I am hoping we find the horse to make my son's dreams come true....
I truly feel like I have been through the mill.

At least Mercy gave me kisses at feeding time... :bgrin


Silversong Farm
First off, to whoever is reading this I want to be sure that you know who Mercysmom really is.

I can't sing her praises enough.

She is Denise, owner of the famous little mare Mercy, who I was honored to "meet" via Animal Planet. They have aired this show on Pet Story more than once and I couldn't get enough of it. CHEERS!

That a wonderful example of the Miniature Horse has been given air time!

Denise is an outstanding person who totes Mercy around to do service work. Her animals are the most well cared for and any animal that has found a home at Silver Song is very lucky. Animal Planet did a fabulous job on their show explaining many things about Mercy, our breed, and what it takes for a mini to be able to do this kind of community service. I have the utmost respect for this outstanding family. Mercy is the perfect ambassador for our breed. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: Timmy says: "Bring her over and I'll give her a great big smooch"

Denise, as for your deal that just went sour, that sucks the big one.

But trust me: When these things happen, it wasn't meant to be and there is a better deal coming up when you least expect it.

Love you Denise.
First off, to whoever is reading this I want to be sure that you know who Mercysmom really is.

I can't sing her praises enough.

She is Denise, owner of the famous little mare Mercy, who I was honored to "meet" via Animal Planet. They have aired this show on Pet Story more than once and I couldn't get enough of it. CHEERS!

That a wonderful example of the Miniature Horse has been given air time!

Denise is an outstanding person who totes Mercy around to do service work. Her animals are the most well cared for and any animal that has found a home at Silver Song is very lucky. Animal Planet did a fabulous job on their show explaining many things about Mercy, our breed, and what it takes for a mini to be able to do this kind of community service. I have the utmost respect for this outstanding family. Mercy is the perfect ambassador for our breed. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: Timmy says: "Bring her over and I'll give her a great big smooch"

Denise, as for your deal that just went sour, that sucks the big one.

But trust me: When these things happen, it wasn't meant to be and there is a better deal coming up when you least expect it.

Love you Denise.

Thank you so much Marty! Thank you for thinking of me at a time when it has to be especially hard for you and your family. My son Andy, who lost a 16 year old best friend this past August (he drowned), is also taking the holidays harder this year.

Mercy kept your gift to her (the ponytail "flowers" for her "mom" being the April Doofus of the Month) in her forelock during her time at the MA Equine Affaire.

Mercy says thanks for the cyber kisses from Timmy - she sends them right back with lots of love.
: Hugs to you and your family, too!

I am hoping another offering comes down the good as the deal I almost had but I just got two more "no thanks" letters back while trying to find a Morgan filly in exchange for my horse. :no:

The good news is we have a new nursing home to visit... and I am lucky that I am off on Friday so Mercy can share her magic.


Silversong Farm

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