Do you think the antibodics upset his stomach?? I know when my dog was ill the vet had me boil hamburger up and put it with cooked white rice. Good luck!
I agree with the others. Sounds like the antibiotics has upset his digestive system.
He's a dog, I am sure he'll woof down yogurt.
Mine eat almost anything. Give it a try. Failing that, before giving him other things on your own, I would take him to , or even call, your vet and get his/her opinion on a safe product and proper dosage. Good Luck!
Has your vet made any good suggestions? I hope your dog feels better. Years ago my vet said if an animal stops eating or drinking, something serious is going on. I never forgot his words.
I agree that something else might be wrong.... I would call the vet again for an opinion. I have not had an animal go off it's feed a week after ending the antibiotics. Perhaps the vet has missed something, and there is something else going on.