my dog has gone of his food

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lucky lodge

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
ever since my dog has had a bad reaction to flees he has gone of his food.

he was on antiobics but that has finished about a week ago he may eat a little bit of his dinner

hes nearly 1 years old and a rotweiller

please help realy worried ive tryed every sort of food you can buy
Do you think the antibodics upset his stomach?? I know when my dog was ill the vet had me boil hamburger up and put it with cooked white rice. Good luck!


Victory Pass Stable

could be but that was like a wk ago he had his last pill ..... i dont think he would eat yogurt maybe some probotics????????
I agree with the others. Sounds like the antibiotics has upset his digestive system.

He's a dog, I am sure he'll woof down yogurt.
Mine eat almost anything. Give it a try. Failing that, before giving him other things on your own, I would take him to , or even call, your vet and get his/her opinion on a safe product and proper dosage. Good Luck!
If he won't eat yogurt try a little corn syrup or honey on your finger.Sometimes just a taste is enough to get them hungry again.
Ask you vet about High Cal, or Nutri -Cal comes in a tube.

Will help him get his appetite back.and at least he will be getting a supplement on all his vitamins he needs.
Nutri-cal does help bring back an animals appetite also its a dietary supplement. You can find it at Walmart.
Has your vet made any good suggestions? I hope your dog feels better. Years ago my vet said if an animal stops eating or drinking, something serious is going on. I never forgot his words.
I agree that something else might be wrong.... I would call the vet again for an opinion. I have not had an animal go off it's feed a week after ending the antibiotics. Perhaps the vet has missed something, and there is something else going on.

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