My friend got a driving horse about 2 months ago. Pharaoh is 16, and has some roadster background. Very smart and well behaved. The harness came with him. She got the EE from Mini Express, where she ordered the french link bit. She is very pleased with him and loving driving. You can see his fine new barn in the background.
This photo was taken a few weeks ago. Since then we've tweaked a little more. She is only driving for pleasure, no obstacles or competition at this point.
Can you see some things we need to work on? The last two times we put the neck strap through the loop on the saddle. That seems to keep the breast strap in place better. Where on HIS chest should the breast strap rest?
This photo was taken a few weeks ago. Since then we've tweaked a little more. She is only driving for pleasure, no obstacles or competition at this point.
Can you see some things we need to work on? The last two times we put the neck strap through the loop on the saddle. That seems to keep the breast strap in place better. Where on HIS chest should the breast strap rest?