Being a California Native (Born and Raised there), I grew up calling it Soda, Coke, Pepsi, ect...What ever brand you were drinking at that time. :bgrin
However, when I moved here to Wisconsin everything was pop!
: I got laughed at out here at first by the way I talked too!
: :bgrin Most said I had an accent.... :lol: :bgrin
Now, my family & friends back home gets a kick out of the way I talk... :bgrin since my hubby is a backwoods country boy sort of man with a heavy Wisconsin I think I picked it up from him. :bgrin :lol:
So, Pop is what we say here in this part of WI. :bgrin
There are words here though that I myself had never even heard of until I was here and one of them is the Stop and Go light? !
: Or Stop & Go?! :bgrin So, here they say stop and go which means stop signs or lights.
Then out here in WI asking for directions, when you get the directions from someone instead of saying go left or right...its go south, north, east or west....
Thankgoodness my truck has a directional /outside temp gauge inside, or else I would surely get lost... :bgrin :lol:
Thanks this is a fun post!