The aussie saddle pinched in the billets or the girth had pokies, so ride was cut short. Girth washed & plucked. Will need to find something to cover billets to prevent pinching...
Anywho, today's ride was in his western. Clean n fitted, but a little green horsefly kept pestering him. Out of shape, annoyed by the fly, but we rode a little longer. Will have to keep it up daily, as long as weather allows.
Why are these so heavy!?
Dragged it up from the field below onto the arena. Gonna use a string to get it rounder tomorrow.
Didn't want to ask for trot n canter on the younger gelding without walls!
He did it twice.
He knows I use it to get on, so "use this thing to GTFO me/is it time to stop?" is what I like to think he's saying.
I never use it to dismount, so, idk how he got to that conclusion or why he paws it.