After doing a bit of research and walking through the paddocks that haven’t been grazed yet as we don’t have them properly fenced, there is indeed fescue in thereThat bellies even bigger again!! Have you heard back about your paddocks?
After doing a bit of research and walking through the paddocks that haven’t been grazed yet as we don’t have them properly fenced, there is indeed fescue in thereThat bellies even bigger again!! Have you heard back about your paddocks?
I will try...unfortunately I do my chores and then run off to work, which is one hr away in the summer (and seemingly FOREVER in the winter!). So might be from work as I get the chance! Don't worry. I don't think things are really moving along that much yet!Oh, she's getting close.....maybe. They normally have cow patties close to foaling but I've learned not to count on anything. I think Kristens mare did that on and off for a few weeks(?) and Tilly didn't do it at all. Could you please humour a worrier and post an all's fine or thumbs up in the mornings when you have time so I know you're still doing OK there?
Thank you. Updates whenever you can would be great! I get more nervous about everyone else's foals than I did my own.I will try...unfortunately I do my chores and then run off to work, which is one hr away in the summer (and seemingly FOREVER in the winter!). So might be from work as I get the chance! Don't worry. I don't think things are really moving along that much yet!![]()
So, just got done doing chores. Pepper is getting huge! From the under carriage view of the udder on both of them, it doesn't look like much, BUT from the back end I can actually see Pepper's teets hanging straight down...which is new. Unfortunately nobody seems to be feeling photogenic tonight. Pepper has watery stools and is squirting (for lack of better wording) poopy water and farting a lot. I don't know if I should be concerned or not. Snickers is also having barely formed stools (and dumped quite a load of it!) and are a little greenish in color. The other two are fine. They don't appear in any distress or pain and are continuing to eat. Any thoughts? They were all wormed in May (since I thought the girls were about a month left....HAHA...that joke was on me!)Thank you. Updates whenever you can would be great! I get more nervous about everyone else's foals than I did my own.
I don't have any at this time. Hoping to have vet out soon and will ask him for some, IF he will give it to me! Is Banamine in the form of granules or shot? I think I had some for my old boy who passed but we used it all. I think that was granules? I always thought it was a shot...I have no problem if it is, other than getting the snot kicked out of me...LOL...But I can have someone hold. I don't think it could have been something only they ate. They don't have access to other things, unless some careless human gave it to them when I am gone. No one can touch my animals through two fences several feet apart, but they could throw something my mind is really racing...I think WORRY is my middle name lately even though I try not to...UGH! They would be the two greedy ones to grab anything that might have been tossed over too. So my cameras may help with that too, IF we can ever get them working!Looking forward to pictures when you can get them. Sounds like they could have eaten something, of course it's suspicious that it's just the two of them but that doesn't sound like the usual foaling cow patties to me. Do you have any banamine just incase they get uncomfortable from it? I'd say as long as they're eating and drinking and acting fine I'd watch them but not worry ...much.
OK, so another stupid question? What is a "normal" temp for a mini? Oh paste would be wonderful!! Good to know about banamine not being an injectible! I totally get the gate thing and strangers. I have a neighbor (who knows better) who just shows up on my property whenever he feels like it. I have up no trespassing signs. He actually told me they don't pertain to him! Maybe your gate crashers have the same mentality!It's the green colour that makes me think maybe something they ate. Normally it's green in green out with grass or hay. Maybe something in a bale???? If they didn't get something different to eat then I'd think they have a bug. If you could get a temp on them, maybe while someone holds them with some good food as a distraction and you stand to the side not right behind? I'd really like you not to get kicked. If their temp is normal I'd just watch them
The banamine is a paste, like a wormer. Really easy to use.At least that's what we have here. If you ever are given the injectable it's only for iv not im or they can have a bad reaction. You can give it orally as well if you need to. I get being paranoid. I have a gate on my driveway and get strangers opening it and driving in, I don't get that![]()
Also, does anyone know if the newer touchless thermometers work on animals? Not sure if the hair/fur would interfere with a reading.OK, so another stupid question? What is a "normal" temp for a mini? Oh paste would be wonderful!! Good to know about banamine not being an injectible! I totally get the gate thing and strangers. I have a neighbor (who knows better) who just shows up on my property whenever he feels like it. I have up no trespassing signs. He actually told me they don't pertain to him! Maybe your gate crashers have the same mentality!
Thanks, Taz!!I've never tried one of the new thermometers but give it a try if you have one. A normal temp is the same as the big horses. Between 99-101 is considered normal, each horse has a normal for them in that. Tilly sits at about 99.4-99.6. If you have a digital that's fast and beeps when it's done that the easiest unless the touchless work. No stupid questions![]()
Thanks! I'm sure they will be fine. Will check temps tomorrow. Too dark right nowI hope everything is ok Pitter Patter and that your girls are better soon!
Same here, nothing interesting, just a grumpy little pony. Sure missing my sweet little girl that was all loving and kid safe, now I’m even on high alert around her as she’s so grouchy. She wouldn’t even let me lift her feet.No news to report on my girls. All of my minis were grumps this morning. Hoping they were just hungry and irritable.