Yeah, I'm good! LOLMerMaeve, You could always breed her down the road and then there'd be two!![]()
Well that didn't work out so well! SorryOK Taz, here are your pictures!They are hopefully in a generally chronological order when they upload!View attachment 42160View attachment 42161View attachment 42162View attachment 42163View attachment 42164
OH! I didn't even think of that!!! I hope that's all it is. I don't see any usual "in season behaviors" right now and she was pretty insistent on flirting with Volt in the beginning. She is getting pretty bold with me and the other day even ran me over to get out of the paddock for some grass, which is unusual behavior for this normally timid little girl. She may be small but has tons of determination and inertia! She is still quite thin from when I got her. Just trying to slowly build her up so it's not fat related. Any thoughts?As far as I know hormones can cause them to get a bit of an udder. It should go away after a few days if it's related to being in season. As long as it's not hot/tender it shouldn't be an infection. Is it more than the pictures you posted? Do you have more? Us nosy people would like to see![]()
Love his ears! He is paying attention to his world.And here are a couple from tonight, he's wet and curly from being in thunderstorms all afternoon.
View attachment 42155View attachment 42156View attachment 42157
He's an awesome little guy. He's always aware of what's going on around him and figuring stuff out quietly. Takes turns hanging with each member of his herd and does everything they do.Love his ears! He is paying attention to his world.
Unnggg!!OK Taz, here are your pictures!They are hopefully in a generally chronological order when they upload!View attachment 42160View attachment 42161View attachment 42162View attachment 42163View attachment 42164
It looks like one side got bigger first and then the other side. She is still currently at the last picture stage. I take her out away from the others for her grain so they can't chase her off of it. I keep looking for movement but don't see any. She isn't acting like she is in season. She is however, adoring all the extra attention she is getting and also getting a little full of herself! LOL. Maybe she's thinking about challenging the other mares soon!He's an awesome little guy. He's always aware of what's going on around him and figuring stuff out quietly. Takes turns hanging with each member of his herd and does everything they do.
Unnggg!!Has the one side gotten bigger instead of the other smaller? Is she showing anything else? I have no idea what to tell you other than keep an eye on her. Could be foal, could be in season, could be the weather, could be she was feeling left out and wanted to join in the 'fun'. I think she started this last week? If it's in season it should go away pretty soon...... Can you pull her out of the paddock and give her some hay cubes or pellets or bran etc. soaked in cold water and see if you can see or feel any movement? If she is in foal it could wake the little bugger up.
Jodie, anything going on other than you're sanity slowly slipping away?
And tonight little Cottontail's udder is getting larger again....I think all of them are in a conspiracy to drive me absolutely crazy!!Well......Watch her and you'll know in a few weeks![]()
And tonight little Cottontail's udder is getting larger again....I think all of them are in a conspiracy to drive me absolutely crazy!!