Oh Taz! I am glad you worry! Glad to know I am not the only one! She can go in the other side of the shed at any time. Trying to time it right so Volt gets stronger before baby comes. She will then get his "convalescent stall" (which is half the shed). That stall is bigger than my bedroomThat's all wonderful! I agree Snickers doesn't look ready yet, BUT not to panic you, that doesn't mean it can't happen. Yup, as you know I prepare early and expect(OK freak out about) the worst. Hope you don't mind me being a worry wort 'aunt'. Do you have a couple good dog coats? Can you get a camera set up in your run in? Any chance of her spending nights in the other side of the run in just in case? I don't know how your weathers doing there but spring is just trying here, it's still way too cold for a newborn here especially with wind, snow,mud etc. OK, I've said it, now I'll leave it alone, or try to, haha. I know you will look after them but in case you didn't get it yet.....I WORRY!
And again I messed up. Sorry everyone. I did get an udder shot but she's so hairy couldn't see much of anything but hair!Here was Snickers last night......
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Thanks for the picture encouragement! LOL. Volt is doing much better and getting stronger every day. Getting back to being a bit sassy again so I'm happy! He still has a way to go and needs more weight but he's getting there slowly. He's such a picky little thing and just nibbles away while the girls tend to shovel it in as fast as possible! Snickers' foal keeps repositioning itself. Last night it belly was hanging pretty low. Looked like it "V"'d but this morning she was back up high again. I THINK there's still time. Considering I have spent a year already worried about whether or not she was pregnant, I can wait some more (want some warm weather!).Stop worrying about messing up, I can't even figure out how to get pictures posted from my phone, I got through this whole complicated thing every time to post one. She looks like she's hanging low but not v'd to me but I don't have anything to compare it to, has she dropped at all? Let's hope she's following the rules, neither of mine did. How's Volt doing?
Maybe!Maybe she is taking her time cooking up an interesting coat pattern lol.
Taz, thank you very much for calming my nerves! Don't worry. I wouldn't even think of taking Snickers anywhere near the house! She wouldn't handle it well. Not even so sure about Volt now as he has gotten much stronger and more opinionated (although it worked well when he was down). When do you think I should start stalling her at night? Sure wish I still had my virgin milker goat--at least it would be something. (I always donated her milk to an orphan deer rescue as goat milk is more digestible for most animals. They were thrilled because the deer really like it and did well with it.) But she's gone now. I am so excited/nervous/scared. It's only now fully becoming real and it's my first one. Yikes! Oh I will definitely be hands on as much as Snickers will allow! That baby is almost constantly moving and kicking and is quite visible. Cannot wait to meet this little one! I think I am more excited about this than having my own kids, but then again, I'm not the one faced with pain and discomfort! LOL.BREATHE.....
I don't think you need to worry about Patches. Snickers will be keeping the baby close in the beginning and even if he/she does get run over he/she will learn to move after that. They are very quick to get good on their legs and they seem to be pretty tough. Tilly is blind in one eye and does a great job managing it but Fin's been knocked into a few times without a problem. He really doesn't move, his theory on life seams to be the same as his dad, ignore it and it will go away. I've kept my babies next to the herd for a couple of weeks to be safe. If you can I would keep them in the shed and a small area around the entrance. I use a walkway next to the paddock and close the ends off with orange plastic snow fencing propped up by plastic step in posts.
How far is your shed from the house? Do you have electricity in the shed? There will be a solution that will work better than putting her in your basement at night.
Sounds like Snickers is getting there....finally. I think even your vet can give her a shot to help get her milk in if it's needed. You have powdered colostrum to feed in the beginning while you track some down, there must be a vet or breeder close enough that you can get some, it doesn't take very much. Worry about that if/when it happens. My first foal didn't get any until he was about 4 hours when the mares milk came in. I called everyone and couldn't find any, ran to the vets for milk replacer and a tube of whatever it is you give the mare to get them going, got home and he had had a big drink and was fast asleep. Poor Snickers being uncomfortable and itchy from shedding. It's great she's getting friendlier instead of crankier, you might be able to get some good hands on time with the munchkin the first day, it really helps to be part of their world right from the beginning.