No, thanks! My fault for getting personal (I was feeling inside of Pepper's thigh to make sure it was ok because it was difficult to see last night and I was worried) and I let my guard down and she nailed me. She only got my right thumb/hand. Still a tad tender but it should feel better by tomorrow.Ouch, sorry you got kicked! Are you badly hurt?
The first pic was taken yesterday. She didn't arrive like that. Previous owner does not believe she is pregnant. Maybe sympathy symptoms? Is that even possible?! Would she show like this if only one month pregnant from my stallion? All three of my girls teased him for a week or so and then stopped.I'm so sorry you got kicked! She doesn't know how lucky she is yet.
The picture from her side looks like she could have had more of an udder when you got her, maybe not weaned from her last foal until a little before moving? It's really hard to tell about udder development in the picture from yesterday, I don't know how anyone gets good pictures! Have you seen her flirting at all with your stud? I would think if she wasn't in foal she would be showing you something especially when she first moved in and when they were first out together. If she has bushes she can scratch between her back legs on that's probably all you're seeing on her thighs, mine love it when they get the chance once the bugs are out.
That's totally crazy! I would have thought by those pictures your Pintaloosa was absolutely pregnant!! I have wondered if Pepper is or isn't pregnant from the day I got her in March. Until just the other day I wasn't seriously thinking she was, but treated her as if she is anyway. She has such a portly little belly but it is very solid and I don't see any movement at all, but she is smaller than Snickers and she just looks like she has always had a "ball belly" from previous pics from previous owner. But now her udder is developing. It could be false pregnancy symptoms. And why not? Every time a newborn human baby screams from hunger in public, I HURT physically!! I've had to keep my mouth shut more than once when I see a first time mom with a screaming newborn! Here's the weird part--I had a double mastectomy about 6 years ago and I still feel that! Such a mind/body connection I think all living things must haveI’m going to hazard a guess and say that Snickers and Rosie are at about the same stage, which doesn’t help much as I don’t know when Rosie was bred haha but I have had her for just over 9 months now. Pepper I really don’t know. Sympathy symptoms are apparently a thing - I had my vet out to preg check my Pintaloosa rescue and the vet said she was open. She even had a lopsided belly and “milk” that was easily expressed. I’ll attach some pictures and I’m sure you can see why I really thought she might be pregnant! My vet said it could be a false pregnancy or sympathy for Rosie. It’s really wild because I think she truly looked like she was in foal.
The first pic is the day she arrived, the second and third pics are when we thought she was pregnant, and the fourth is now. The udder pictures are over the course of a couple weeks. Her udder has since gone back to how it looked in the left side picture of the first udder pic. I’m not trying to dishearten you about Pepper or anything, it’s very possible she is pregnant, I just thought I’d share my experience with false/sympathy pregnancy symptoms.
You know, I was thinking the same thing about a baby pool!!Can you get a blood test done on Pepper? I think she looks more pregnant than Snickers in the side view but that could just be she's had more foals. Her udder looks saggy around her teats, again ?????. Until she starts getting some filling it's a guess. I have another little mare (don't ask there are more around here than I normally will admit to) who came from a feed lot out of a breeding herd. Her teats were long and hanging last fall when she moved in and this week are more tucked up with hanging skin around them. She's a hand me down from someone I know who had a stud on the property but swears she was never near him. She was there for two years, no babies. She doesn't look pregnant at all, I've seen her in season but I saw her belly dancing a few days ago. I THINK it was just a horse fly but her whole belly was jumping up and down. She's hard to catch and don't even try touching her teats so I'm doing a wait and see like you are with Pepper. I do think there's a good chance Pepper is in foal. The previous owner has gone from no to maybe to she was exposed on and off, I wouldn't trust what she says. I'm going to guess Pepper is pregnant and they both are on track for July/August babies and hiding it well. Absolutely no guarantees!! I thought Tilly was going to foal a month or more ago and now I'm thinking she could be about the same as your girls but showing A LOT. We should start a baby pool for date and sex on all of them!
I wasn't really worried that this other mare could be until I saw the pictures of Peppers udder and you said it had changed to that. There can sometimes be a bit of filling or clear liquid right after they catch but it goes away quickly, it's not normal to see any changes for months after breeding.
Lol I definitely remember that well while breastfeeding! Being out in public hearing a baby cry and my body thinking “ooh we need to feed the baby!”That's totally crazy! I would have thought by those pictures your Pintaloosa was absolutely pregnant!! I have wondered if Pepper is or isn't pregnant from the day I got her in March. Until just the other day I wasn't seriously thinking she was, but treated her as if she is anyway. She has such a portly little belly but it is very solid and I don't see any movement at all, but she is smaller than Snickers and she just looks like she has always had a "ball belly" from previous pics from previous owner. But now her udder is developing. It could be false pregnancy symptoms. And why not? Every time a newborn human baby screams from hunger in public, I HURT physically!! I've had to keep my mouth shut more than once when I see a first time mom with a screaming newborn! Here's the weird part--I had a double mastectomy about 6 years ago and I still feel that! Such a mind/body connection I think all living things must have(Or I am seriously mentally ill!)
Thank you! She and a beautiful bay mare were seized by animal protection back in January and a wonderful rescue ranch took them in, then I gave them their forever home.
What about your girl possibly having been pregnant, but the embryo reabsorbed or aborted? Just a thought, sad though but I wonder??I’m going to hazard a guess and say that Snickers and Rosie are at about the same stage, which doesn’t help much as I don’t know when Rosie was bred haha but I have had her for just over 9 months now. Pepper I really don’t know. Sympathy symptoms are apparently a thing - I had my vet out to preg check my Pintaloosa rescue and the vet said she was open. She even had a lopsided belly and “milk” that was easily expressed. I’ll attach some pictures and I’m sure you can see why I really thought she might be pregnant! My vet said it could be a false pregnancy or sympathy for Rosie. It’s really wild because I think she truly looked like she was in foal.
The first pic is the day she arrived, the second and third pics are when we thought she was pregnant, and the fourth is now. The udder pictures are over the course of a couple weeks. Her udder has since gone back to how it looked in the left side picture of the first udder pic. I’m not trying to dishearten you about Pepper or anything, it’s very possible she is pregnant, I just thought I’d share my experience with false/sympathy pregnancy symptoms.
Sorry...making you re-think a mare that could possibly be pregnant...I am now thinking a new possibility, at least for Pepper...Maybe my little Stallion covered her and she is very early in pregnancy and I could go through the same thing next summer! (Although I was actually hoping for her to have his foal, but I won't know either way until THIS summer passes who the baby daddy is! LOL)Can you get a blood test done on Pepper? I think she looks more pregnant than Snickers in the side view but that could just be she's had more foals. Her udder looks saggy around her teats, again ?????. Until she starts getting some filling it's a guess. I have another little mare (don't ask there are more around here than I normally will admit to) who came from a feed lot out of a breeding herd. Her teats were long and hanging last fall when she moved in and this week are more tucked up with hanging skin around them. She's a hand me down from someone I know who had a stud on the property but swears she was never near him. She was there for two years, no babies. She doesn't look pregnant at all, I've seen her in season but I saw her belly dancing a few days ago. I THINK it was just a horse fly but her whole belly was jumping up and down. She's hard to catch and don't even try touching her teats so I'm doing a wait and see like you are with Pepper. I do think there's a good chance Pepper is in foal. The previous owner has gone from no to maybe to she was exposed on and off, I wouldn't trust what she says. I'm going to guess Pepper is pregnant and they both are on track for July/August babies and hiding it well. Absolutely no guarantees!! I thought Tilly was going to foal a month or more ago and now I'm thinking she could be about the same as your girls but showing A LOT. We should start a baby pool for date and sex on all of them!
I wasn't really worried that this other mare could be until I saw the pictures of Peppers udder and you said it had changed to that. There can sometimes be a bit of filling or clear liquid right after they catch but it goes away quickly, it's not normal to see any changes for months after breeding.
That is a possibility for sure, and one that was mentioned by the vet within the realms of a false pregnancy, as in she could have indeed been pregnant and lost it prior to coming here, but her body/hormones continued to think she was indeed pregnant, causing the bagging up, producing milk etc even though there was no longer a foal. I suppose it is something that we will never really know the true reason behind. The vet did a rectal palpation as well as an internal ultrasound and everything looked normal.What about your girl possibly having been pregnant, but the embryo reabsorbed or aborted? Just a thought, sad though but I wonder??