My mare lost her foal

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I saw an angel today, oh what a vision to see.

This beautiful angel sent only to me.

My eyes filled with tears at this glorious sight,

This angel so lovely made my heart feel so light.

I held an angel today, in my hands it did rest

Surely it had to be one of God's best.

So soft, so tender, so fragile it seemed

To hold such an angel was more than I dreamed.

I kissed an angel today, I just couldn't resist

As I looked at this sweetie I felt so much bliss

My heart over poured with a feeling of love

For this sweet little creature sent from Heaven above.

I lost an angel today; I guess God had other plans

This precious little life slipped right through my hands

My heart felt so empty as tears fell from my eyes

I didn't have the chance to say my good byes.

I saw an angel today, one I'll never forget

Those short precious moments I'll never regret

He took something with him on his journey above A piece of my heart to remember my love.
I'm so sorry for your loss. That sure is a beautiful foal, just like her Mama.

and your daughter is adorable ((hugs))
Oh how heartbreaking! I'm SO sorry!!

I am so sorry for your loss...what a beautiful little filly, what a beautiful mare, what a beautiful daughter. I really feel for you....been there before. An angel was needed elsewhere....
my heart goes out to you and your mare and your daughter. What a lovely filly she was.

Hopefully your mare will be okay. We have loss two foals that were aborted at 3 mos and 7 mos. Boy your mare was so close. I am so sorry for your loss.Maybe you can bred her back to the same stud for another nice filly.
I'm so sorry.
She was a beautiful, perfect little girl...just like her momma. And your daughter is a beautiful little girl that is so wise beyond her years.
My heart aches for you as I went through the heartbreak as well with the first mini ever born here. I know EXACTLY how you feel
. I like you kept thinking what if I had done this or that, etc. etc. Unfortunately we beat ourselves up about these things when sometimes, for whatever reason, mother nature decides this was the way it would be. The mare that lost her foal 3 years ago, the first foal born here, I re-bred and we had a very successful delivery last year. I bred my other mare and lost her foal this year
. I would like to say it gets easier but it doesn't. Sometimes things are just out of our control no matter what we do, no matter how much care is given... please don't feel alone in this. The person who penned the saying "breeding horses is not for the faint of heart" knew probably first hand what that meant. Your little one is very beautiful. I am so very very sorry the outcome was not positive and yes it's very difficult to see the mares mourn their loss. Hugs to you and your mare. Time does heal.
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I'm so sorry for your loss.
That is so hard when you've waited and hoped and you get sooooo close and it doesn't turn out the way it should. What a pretty the mare! Your daughter is precious! Kids are so resiliant it's scarey!
Ohhh I am so sorry for your loss. Those pics brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful little filly and momma too.
This makes me sad! It was so close and such a beautiful baby
I do believe that everything happens for a reason though
Sorry for your loss.
Willow Gen, thanks for posting those sweet pictures, they made me cry.

I am so sorry for your loss. I hate seeing your mare grieve, it tears me up.. What a beautiful foal...

But you and your daughter ( beautiful) will still love Lottie , so you all can get thru this together...

Sending loving thoughts to you...
I'm so very sorry for your loss. The filly was beautiful, so sad....
I'm so very sorry you went through that. The same thing happened to us this past April. Hope your mare is ok, definately get her checked by a vet. Ours had an infection. It was our first every foal. We have three due this coming spring (including the mare who lost her foal) and i"M scared to death!


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