My Modern Shetland Mare

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Yesterday I took my stallion to a Liz McMillan photoshoot (my first professional photo session... and yes I will post the pictures once I get 'em) and my Modern Shetland mare was feeling jealous (the stallion got a bath, left on a trailer ride, got a prettied up... and SHE loves attention!) so I gave her a bath and took her to the park. My mom was the photographer since she couldn't get my mare to set up or pay attention or anything. Anyway, here are a couple pictures, for your viewing pleasure. I needed new pictures for my website, anyway.

Country's Etched With Class (HOF)

4 year old ASPC mare



I will have to get new pictures of her all shed out this summer, since I didn't realize how fluffy she still is.

I really can't tell that she is fluffy.

She looks good and I really like the park background. Did she get over her little snit about the "initial" lack of attention?LOL

Va Lynda Ann
I've always liked this mare! She is very pretty and has a really nice head!

PS: Have you received the Modern video yet?
Ooo I love that first picture. Gorgeouse mare. :new_shocked:
Yes, Thunder, Cassie did get over her little "snit." She DEMANDS daily attention. She must be turned out and given grain daily or ELSE. If I take her out of her stall just to groom her, and then try to put her back, she REFUSES to go back in her stall until she's turned out to run. I think she was used to growing up in big pastures, and all we have here are stalls. She hates living in a stall. She has a LOT of energy and needs to burn it off. She's an odd pony. Everyone who meets her, generally falls in love with her though

Nope Leeana, it's not here yet. Any day now though, it's like Christmas waiting for the mail to come every day (I'm waiting for a couple other things in the mail too, so I can't wait to see the mailman every day!)
Very pretty........wish we could get our minis to shed out so easily
That's one thing I love about my shetland is I can get him slick so early in the year.
Who needs Liz with pics like that first one???

Totally gorgeous!

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