Casnos Minis
Well-Known Member
[SIZE=18pt]Today as the farrier was out I had my mini mare Bell out for her pedicure
. AS he was doing her feet I checked her teeth as I often do to make sure nothing is wrong. There was something deffinatly wrong. One bottom front tooth was gone and part of it is still in her gums, then I noticed that her top 2 front teeth looked weird. I touched them and the were broken, but still in there. There are no hoof prints on her mouth from my gelding, no cuts inside her mouth, no cuts outside her mouth. I called my vet and explained it to her, we've ruled out the fact she could be shedding her teeth as she is going to be 3 this year and they were clearly broken. When I looked 2 days ago they were fine. Vet is coming out on Monday afternoon to due a full dental exam and float. Does anyone have any ideas as to how this could have happened. She's not in any pain that I can see, she's eating grain and hay fine, and drinking like normal or eating the snow. My vet had me give her some Banmine paste tonight. She's going to give me some injectable banamine, and show me how to administer it. I've done injections myself before so I know I can handle it. What is poeple's experiences and opinion's about injectable banamine?[/SIZE]
Thanks in advance for you input and advice.

Thanks in advance for you input and advice.