My poor Bell has broken 3 of her teeth

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Casnos Minis

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Willliamsburg, MA
[SIZE=18pt]Today as the farrier was out I had my mini mare Bell out for her pedicure
. AS he was doing her feet I checked her teeth as I often do to make sure nothing is wrong. There was something deffinatly wrong. One bottom front tooth was gone and part of it is still in her gums, then I noticed that her top 2 front teeth looked weird. I touched them and the were broken, but still in there. There are no hoof prints on her mouth from my gelding, no cuts inside her mouth, no cuts outside her mouth. I called my vet and explained it to her, we've ruled out the fact she could be shedding her teeth as she is going to be 3 this year and they were clearly broken. When I looked 2 days ago they were fine. Vet is coming out on Monday afternoon to due a full dental exam and float. Does anyone have any ideas as to how this could have happened. She's not in any pain that I can see, she's eating grain and hay fine, and drinking like normal or eating the snow. My vet had me give her some Banmine paste tonight. She's going to give me some injectable banamine, and show me how to administer it. I've done injections myself before so I know I can handle it. What is poeple's experiences and opinion's about injectable banamine?

Thanks in advance for you input and advice.

I think she's just loosing some baby teeth. I took a client horse in for the very thing as he had a baby tooth sticking out between his lower lips for a few weeks and wouldn't shed it on his own. Minis, as a norm, do not have normal teeth shedding patterns so it's not unusal at all to have them pulled. I could wiggle it all I wanted, but it wouldn't budge. There was also the adult tooth behind it once we pulled the baby. So all you may be seeing is the adult teeth coming in. It's very rare for a horse to break it's teeth, they are much more likely to break their jaw.
[SIZE=18pt]Thanks guys. I've never had young ones so I've never seen it happen. The top 2 are cracked as well as loose, is that unusual? I'm glad I have this family to put my mind at ease.[/SIZE]

Twoie is 4 this spring and she just shed two front teeth (late bloomer). I'm crossing my fingers for you that even if your horse chipped them off they may be baby teeth.

I had a full size horse break off teeth...she fell and hit her mouth (YOUCH)while out playing but you could see that she did it..she had cuts all over her gums.
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My Gabriel is a 3 year old colt, and he is still loosing his baby teeth and getting

in the permant teeth. He lost the 2 front ones last summer. Sure scared me, I

thought he had broken them as well. His cracked too. Then they fell out.

My 3 yr old appendix gelding is loosing teeth left and right.... they look horrible but the adult teeth are following quickly! I freaked when Buster lost his first one because I had knocked him in the teeth with the bit accidentally when the tooth went missing! :eek: I told my mom I knocked out a tooth on Buster when I was trying to get him to take the bit... She went completely ballistic on me! I mean she was nuts! She was yelling at me "how could you?! how the &^*@% did that happen?!" I then had to tell her that he had an adult tooth coming in and that the one that he lost was a baby tooth... When she calmed down she actually wanted me to go out to his stall and find it so we could keep it!

So.... the "broken" looking teeth are probably just babies falling out. If she had truely broken teeth you'd probably have seen at least some sort of blood or something amiss....
Yep, at 3 the front teeth are shed for the permanent teeth to come in. I have a 3 year old colt as well, and he is currently shedding his front teeth. Completely freaked my family out as he was playing with his 2 year old buddy, and Prince had all this blood on his neck. My sister thought they were hurting each other until I caught them both, and showed her no cuts on Prince, and Danny had clearly JUST lost one of his front teeth. It was still bleeding. They usually lose them one at a time, but I guess it is possible to lose more than one at a time. 3 is the age where they start losing teeth pretty often, and the permanent ones come in. It will continue up until the horse is 6 or so I think. I can't remember what the book said. I'll have to read it again when I get home. It's nothing to worry about, but it will be good to get your horse's teeth checked and make sure everything is going all right in there.
[SIZE=18pt]Thanks everyone for your input and opinions. I appreciate it. I'm not so nervous any more as to how she would have broken them. I'm glad they are just falling out for new ones. I was so nervous it was a serious problem. Well the vet is still coming anyways to do a full dental as she wants to make sure the rest of her teeth are growing at the right rate, etc.[/SIZE]

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