My poor bunny

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I have been breeding and raising Holland Lop rabbits for 8+ years and have never experienced anything like this.

My prized Holland Lop brood doe, Dusty had three healthy kits at 7 AM. I palpated her (as I always do) afterwards to make sure there were no "leftovers" and unfortuneatly there were. I decided to give her more time.

One hour later, no more babies, two hours, nothing. Four hours go by and I'm getting really nervous. I made a call to our exoctic animal vet who was concerned and though I should bring her in.

Poor Dusty's only chance is to have an emergency C-Section. I hope she pulls through this and will be able to successfully care for her three remaining kits. I am so devastated by this and I am now for the first time really worried about raising any more rabbits. I just don't think I can do this anymore.

I am now waiting anxiously by the phone waiting for the vet to call.
Awww, the poor little thing!

I know it's tough to have something go wrong in a breeding program when you figure that if you'd just not bred, it wouldn't have happened. BTDT with my nigerian goats. I had 3 kidding seasons, all textbook perfect. My 4th season, pretty much everything in the book that could go wrong did. After that I said no more and didn't breed for this year. It's been a year now since all that happened and I'm rethinking it.
: Time does wonders.
[SIZE=14pt]so sorry about Dusty, i do hope you get good news soon from the vet. thinking of you, mama and her kits. Nikki[/SIZE]
: for bunny and babies and for you, try to relax! if everyone who had problems with moms giving birth stopped, the world would soon be empty! and that includes people... i know lots who had horrific experiences and went on to have another child with no problems...

think positive!!
Praying that all will go well! I use to have Holland Lops and loved them! They are such a beautiful breed. Praying for babies and Dusty!


Just letting you all know the vet had called and Dusty pulled through the surgery like a champ. The two kits she still had inside came out alive! (an outcome we were not expecting!)

We are far from being out of the woods yet though. Dusty is sore and grumpy and has been showing reluctance to nurse her kits. This is a critical time for the kits, so hopefully I can convince Dusty to nurse them just enough so they can stay alive until she is feeling better and is more motherly.

Another worry is that she has not really milked up much, hopefully the babies trying to nurse will stimulate her into producing full force.

Hopefully everything turns out alright for Dusty and her babies, we have a total of five!
:aktion033: Good news on Dusty.. Sending prayers your way that she will start nursing her kits.. If she doesn't, I successfully hand raised three of my baby bunnies from day one. It is very hard and I was told impossible, But I did it!! I used kitten milk from the store. Use a very small suringe. I think I was feeding every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. Their momma broke her back the dame day she had them. Very strange and still don't know how she did it. She wasn't the best momma, as she did kill two of the 8 oringial.. The other three, I lost during the time of learning to feed everyone and keep the warm..

I lost a bunny due to a bad judgement call on the vets fault. I knew she was bred and due, and she stopped eating. The breeder I got her from came over, and we found at least 4 kits that weren't moving. I called the vet and ran her down. He told me it was just a hairball
: . To just give her fresh pineapple juice to get things moving. The next morning after waking, I found one dead in her cage and she was barely alive. GOt my son on the school bus and she was dead. Needless to say I don't have that vet anymore, but he is the only one real close to do bunnies. I called and persobally thanked him for killing my son's bunny. I did get a sympathy card in the mail from the vets for her. :no:

My hand raised babies were so special.. Never seen a bunny as loveable as they were. I had everyone inside because all of them (5 total including three babies) were great loving pets.. They were all house broken.. My allergies got bad and we had to move everyone out. Two wks later I woke up to hubby getting into the gun cabinet. He was on his way to work 5:30 am, and two golden ret. had killed every one of my bunnies..But by the time hubby got back outside, they were gone.. The owner did pay for damages, but nothing no amount of money could replace my babies.. For their first 2 wks of life, I didn't sleep to take care of them.. Even hubby thought I would loose everyone, but I didn't give up.

Sorry for going on and on, but just wanted to share that if she doesn't nurse, you can try to help them.. If you need any details, just pm me.

Praying that everyone will be alright.

Ps. We got two bunnies again, but I could never breed them again, for the chance of loosing her. ANd I feel bad, but I am no where as close to these ones as I was before. My kids won them TSC and they weren't handled much..
: :aktion033: So delighted that Dusty pulled through and her other kits made it as well. Will be praying for all of you!

God bless,

[SIZE=14pt]hurray!!! so glad Dusty made it through! :aktion033: keep us posted on those babies too! Nikki[/SIZE]
I had a rabbit (Netherland Dwarf) go thru a C-section (although her 1 baby was dead) and she went on later to produce some great litters and grand champion rabbits. Good luck with Dusty! jennifer :saludando:

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