Congrats Ashley on a beautiful little girl! Most moms can make nursing work out, even if they need to suppliment at first. I'm nursing my first now and I know there is a LOT of misinformation out there that causes a LOT of new moms to give up. If you want to keep nursing keep nursing! If you have any questions that you want -reasonable- answers to (not textbook nurse type answers) feel free to get in touch with me, I'd be more than happy to help you and Mya figure out YOUR best nursing plan. I will say though, if you don't already, eat OATMEAL 2 to 3 times a day to help boost your supply of milk. If you don't like it as hot cereal add it to smoothies (cooked or raw) or even eat oatmeal cookies. I have oversupply issues from time to time and I even get a boost from cheerios because of their oat content!
Again, if you have questions get in touch when you have time, and meanwhile nurse as often as you can and suppliment when you can't so you can get some rest. During my nursing journey I've had many days when all I could do was cry and ask how much more one person can handle... and then another day dawns and you find out the answer is sometimes A LOT more. You're doing great, stick to your guns and do what YOU feel is best in your heart for your family but don't let anybody bully you into thinking nursing won't work if you need to suppliment.