name plate on cart?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
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I went to a show last weekend and carted, I have a name plate with my first name on the back of my cart. Someone told me that If I were to go to any other shows in AMHR/AMHA that I would be disqualified if I went into the ring with the name plate. Is this true? Do I have to take the name plate off?

Also, what do you usually wear for country pleasure carting?

Thank you
Not sure if its true, but easy to just put a piece of black tape over it while at shows.


A. Dress: It is the tradition of the show ring that all handlers and

drivers be correctly attired for the classes. Hats, boots, gloves,

and long sleeved shirts/blouses or jackets are REQUIRED in

all SHOWMANSHIP classes only. Failure to do so will result in

disqualification in that class. Management and or officials must bar

any entry or person from entering the ring if not suitably attired to

appear before an audience. No farm, individual, or horse names or

farm logo may be displayed on exhibitor, horse or vehicle, except

multiple hitch, draft harness classes. In halter classes, hats, boots,

and gloves are optional.


1.4 Ring Procedure

A. Dress: It is the tradition of the show ring that handlers

and drivers be correctly attired for their classes. Tshirts,

shorts, clothes with logos or monograms are

not correct attire and will not be allowed in the show

ring. Horse and handler must look their best. No farm, individual or horses names may be displayed on exhibitor.

So, yes, you need to cover it up.
Interesting--- the same thing happened this weekend I went to at a fun show in va. I guess the judge didn't know that rule.

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