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Aug 4, 2022
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As some of you have read, I am getting a new mini in a week or so. He is about 8 and has gone by the name Stewart for 2 of those years (at 2 different facilities). Stewart is a fine name, but I am not fond of it for a horse. Have any of you folks changed a horses' name once you acquired them? Do you think it could "mess him up" or am I over thinking this (as I do with most things). Has anyone ever given the same name to another horse that you've acquired? Thanks for your input.
I was having the same thoughts when I got Billy. I didn't like that name for him. But I kept thinking of other names (meanwhile still calling him Billy) and I realized he knew his name. I didn't feel good about changing his name at that point, so he is still Billy )as in Billy The Kid on his papers). Try saying "stewart" all the time and see if you feel more comfortable with it. But I bet you could change it and he would not care.
I have changed the names for most all of mine except my biggie, Riffics. I thought Riffics was a really cool name. Plus he was my first horse and I was told it was bad luck to chage a horses name.

Little Americas My Clear Signal… Signal…. Is now Breezy
Prickly Pears Honey Berry… Berry… is now Stormy
Diesel…. Is now Bentley… unregistered name Diesels Zoom Zoom Bentley
I do like the name Diesel, but I felt like I really needed to rename him. I didn’t want any bad habits showing up from his previous handlings in association with that name, maybe I’m silly 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t think it will ”mess“ him up. He would probably be like, “ok, this new lady calls me this.“ I got a mare from the auction years ago and named her Scarlett. I didn’t know her name, but she caught on to her new name really quick especially since treats were involved 😁

It’s your horse name him whatever you want. I really don’t like to reuse names, but that is a personal choice. In fact I have passed/over looked on some horses because their name was one I already have/had (even though I could change it) ….Lord knows I do NOT need another Stormy 🤣🤣
FWIW I think Stewart is a great name for a mini. :) Stuart Little...
When I first heard his name was Stewart, I also thought Stuart Little, one of my favorite childhood books. Then I saw the spelling Stewart (not that he can spell!), on his paperwork and all as I can think about is Stewart Convenience stores which are huge (as you might know being from New England) in New York state and the surrounding area. Now every time I hear the name I think about pumping gas 😩, that’s why I’m thinking about renaming him. Maybe I should keep repeating his name and try to think of a little mouse instead of a gas station😜. Another thing to ruminate about😄
My Arabian's registered name was R.C. Cola...I really, REALLY didn't want to call him Cola but he knew it already. R.C. stood for his father, Redwinds Chapparal, but also made the name Cola even more stupid. And of course he was bay...but, he knew the name, and I couldn't really think of anything else that fit him so he stayed Cola! I think it helped that I didn't grow up in an area where RC Cola was actually a thing.

Even if he's Stewart on his papers, you could just make his barn name Stuart...
I just brought home a mini horse, Baileys Irish Cream. Barn name was Stanley. I would of been ok with Bailey but the owner had said she didn't care for it, so I didn't want to use it, as I'm still in touch with her. I looked at names with the same ending, thinking he might catch on to it. I considered his background, I'm his 4th owner. The first two homes should of been a lot better for him. He had a majestic look to him, he came with a purple halter, king's wear purple right 😂 He is now Kingsley.
I just brought home a mini horse, Baileys Irish Cream. Barn name was Stanley. I would of been ok with Bailey but the owner had said she didn't care for it, so I didn't want to use it, as I'm still in touch with her. I looked at names with the same ending, thinking he might catch on to it. I considered his background, I'm his 4th owner. The first two homes should of been a lot better for him. He had a majestic look to him, he came with a purple halter, king's wear purple right 😂 He is now Kingsley.
A perfect solution and a great name. Perhaps I can think of a horse type name that sounds like Stewart😀
I almost never change a horse's name, I figure they know it. The few times I have, I test them out to see if they respond to anything else. I wouldn't really take name advice from me, though. I just named my colt Larry.
So, it’s been a month since I took delivery of my new mini and I still can’t come up with a name for him. I thought that once got to know him that I would have an “aha” moment. Nope, hasn’t happened. He is a quiet, calm little guy. He gets along great with his pasture mates. (I now recognize how much stress my old boy Cooper caused us all). When I got him, he was recently clipped, so his color was light brown with dark brown mane and tail (not black). Now as his hair is coming back he appears to be very dark brown or a liver chestnut color and his mane is getting red/blond. Can anyone tell me what you think his color is? I might try to figure out a name depending on his color. He also has star and a snip on his nose. Thanks


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What a handsome new guy! 💕💕 He has such gentle eyes, so sweet!

Are you going to start driving him?

So happy he is working out nicely and getting along with everyone, that’s wonderful news 🥳

As for names, how about Collins, Carleton, Snuggles 😍 or maybe he is more a Thor, Thunder or maybe he is just Happy 😊😊
What a handsome new guy! 💕💕 He has such gentle eyes, so sweet!

Are you going to start driving him?

So happy he is working out nicely and getting along with everyone, that’s wonderful news 🥳

As for names, how about Collins, Carleton, Snuggles 😍 or maybe he is more a Thor, Thunder or maybe he is just Happy 😊😊
Yes, I am going to learn to drive. When I purchased him I had the option to purchase his harness and cart. I got the harness but left the cart behind as it was in just ok condition. I want to get him a new harness, possibly in leather unless my research shows that nylon is better. I also have to start researching carts. I know nothing about them, so I'm open to suggestions. I think photos of your adventures show that you have a cart with no basket (I think that's what it's called) which looks very cool, but I think this old gal wants to put her feet down on something more substantial. I am also wondering brakes or no brakes. This coming Thursday, I am taking my first driving lesson from the trainer who has been working with my horses for the last year and a half. I have to say, I'm a bit nervous. Your name suggestions are also being added to my long list. He is more of a Snuggles or Happy then Thor :)

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