Need a video instructional on driving training from step one-recommendations??

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Lil Timber Buck

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
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Southeast TN
I have become SPOILED TO DEATH by the Clinton Anderson video sets that show you step by step how to do everything from the ground up. He does not cover driving miniatures unfortunately and I would like to find something comparable-goof proof-you know?? Anyway, I have found some videos to buy made by Joanne Ross from SmallHorse Miniature horse workshops that look promising, but I don't want to buy without YOU GUYS letting me know if you have other recommendations. Basically, my little man has worked through the Fundamentals level 1 so he can lunge very well, lead, back up, flex, yield FQ and HQ, etc, etc. I just bought a surcingle and a lunging halter with the rings. I don't want to introduce them until I know how to do it right. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
Hmm - I haven't gotten all the way thru the exercises w/ CA Fundamentals yet with any of my ponies...

I'm not sure which CDs are best - personally I like a draft horse one by the Bowers (Steve), and his book "Farming with Horses" covers a LOT of NH type issues with driving - though it doesn't break training exercises out. Also, found one set by ...Ruth Marks. She demos with Arabians and it's a good one IMO. I have to go pull my Mini ones out - one set I liked the other set - I wasn't thrilled with. It's really bad when you watch a video and feel that you could do a better job (I don't feel that way often and shouldn't have felt that way while watching something when I'm a beginner - but...). You might be able to learn from it, but it didn't do anything for me, especially when using NH techniques and knowing where your little guy is now...

Main thing will be teaching your guy to continue to move forward and not turn to face you to start. I take it he's had the line behind his haunches for the turn around exercises? Can't remember the name of that one, but have used it extensively w/ my driving ponies. So you would attach a line on each side of his halter/lounging and bring the one you will start him with directly to your hand (inside) and drape the other over his back (outside line) and start by circle lounging. When I first start out, I don't run the lines thru the surcingle at all. Part of that is to get the ponies used to the lines, part is because it's easier for me to move fast if needed w/o having them run thru the surcingle. Then, pick up that outside line and turn him into the fence. Like CA, I start almost all exercises from a walk - but the first time that line drops behind him, he may speed up (some of mine have, some didn't. I go back to the turn around lessons if they get too upset). So gues this "exercise" would be getting him to move out w/o facing you, and turning into the fence in response to the line pull from outside... walking a few steps and then stop and praise... That's a bit advanced in some ways, but think that's a good way to apply it. ?? I've found it easier for them to learn to (& for me to do!!) turn into the fence first. If he's really responsive, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do figure 8's back and forth in whatever arena or pen your using for training w/i the first session - believe it or not! Best part of that exercise is learning how to manage the lines yourself. If he's extra light, everytime you pick up contact, he's going to want to turn and face you. It can be frustrating for both.

The hardest part, if you've never driven, after working w/ any of the NH exercises is going to having contact on the lines. Both of you need to get accustomed to that - and it can get really interesting, LOL. If you go thru a lot of my photo albums (I'll list them in a minute), there are plenty of pics wehre there is quite a bit of slack. You'll find that that doesn't work well with driving...and if you have a driving mentor or instructor you'll get "yelled at" plenty about that! I think my instructor's favorite lines "...he doesn't know what you want him to do - you just disappeared... pick up that slack and let him know you are still there.... R ya plannin' on supporting that beastie..or lettin' 'er run off....." ROFLMAO! There were times, especially when it was hot and ponies and I both thinking we were drowning, that I thought I'd never get it figured out and start "really driving"...

AND no, I've never seen a set of videos for driving set up like CA's Fundamentals set (s)... I LOVE those too! Steve Bowers uses NH based on several (but think his daughter went thru Parrelli can't remember). Ive been told another good one is Doc Hammil out of MT. Draft horse trainer - haven't seen his DVDs yet. Planning on ordering a set. Can find them on Rural Heritage site, thru Mishka Press.

https://picasaweb.go...etlandMarePair# - go all the way to the end and use arrows to come forward in date. We start out ground driving - this is after both mares had been working single...though not long.

https://picasaweb.go...etlandPonyMare# - again - start at the end and work your way forward. You will see some of what we did... Sorry to say, I didn't have anyone to take pics when I first started trying to ground drive her. But I alternated circles and straight lines (for maybe two steps)...

https://picasaweb.go...etlandPonyMare# - in looking at these photos, they tell a story but soooo much is left out when I look at them now... No one was there to take pictures of the explosions the first time this mare had the driving line go too high on her buttock (didn't go under her tail), or later the HUGE explosion when first hooked to a tire... The stills tanke from video are while working with her w/ somene around to help - if it happens again. This was before I started using CA techniques - she's a really different pony now - with the work thru Rex and using CA stuff...(though don't think she/we'd pass all the way thru Fundamentals).

If you go thru albums - look at Kreature, Comet, Kechi, KoKo and Flower. Some of those show more of the ground driving start up...from lounging to circle driving w/ lines to finally ground driving. I might have some video - but haven't a clue how to edit it,so haven't put it up on YouTube.

Hope this helps to get you started. Think that there are a couple of others on this list that use some specific NH training. Hopefully, they speak up. I know that a couple use clicker training - a different form of training. I don't do very well with breaking some of this stuff down into lessons like CAs....LOL.
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WOW Thanks you soooooooooo much! This is a wealth of knowledge for me to startt with! You have some lovely horses!! I wonder if my mini would be okay to do some lighter work like what you guys were doing with the Shetlands? Pulling los, pulling hay, etc. I know minis are built much finer, but your pictures inspired me!!! That is sooo neat! Thanks again for sharing and I am sure in a couple of months we will post some of our own pictures of failures and success.
I will look into the videos you suggested and see how they work for me. Unfortunately, I don't learn well from books...get bored too quick without multi-media lol. I Told you I am spoiled :) THANKS!!!
WOW Thanks you soooooooooo much! This is a wealth of knowledge for me to startt with! You have some lovely horses!! I wonder if my mini would be okay to do some lighter work like what you guys were doing with the Shetlands? Pulling los, pulling hay, etc. I know minis are built much finer, but your pictures inspired me!!! That is sooo neat! Thanks again for sharing and I am sure in a couple of months we will post some of our own pictures of failures and success.
I will look into the videos you suggested and see how they work for me. Unfortunately, I don't learn well from books...get bored too quick without multi-media lol. I Told you I am spoiled :) THANKS!!!
Awww, shucks...
. You just made my already long, long day very bearable!!!

Truthfully, though I've had the book for a while - I haven't read it cover to cover yet (I don't think). I picked and chose (not the way you do CA stuff, tho, remember?) and then I've taken it out to the barn for reference when hitching and doing other things with my ponies. The pictures and the drawings are awesome! There are plenty of others - especially one by Lynn Miller (he's done several) that really make you stop and think about what you are doing and how to go about it. One of his is the Work Horse Handbook (with plans for building equipment - though it's all big draft size can be modified if you are into that) and the other which offers much food for thought is Training Workhorses, Training Teamsters... Also - I belive both of these books - written originally many years ago - show wagon hitches of minis and multiple numbers of Shetlands working with real farm equipment!

So that you know - part of MY INSPIRATION to do the pulling with my shetlands were pictures of minis working over the last few years from the many different lists and forums that I'm on!

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