Kasia simply will not use a shelter, she stood out in the freezing rain we had last night. Half her fur wet, icicles on the ends, looking like a soggy dog....
So, I'd like to find a blanket for her that is waterproof and adds just some warmth. We rarely have this type of overly cold weather in VA, hopefully it won't continue in the following winters, but anyway.
I have no idea what kind of blanket she needs when buying online. They don't have mini coats in stores, not much of the regular horse size ones either. I'm used to feeling the coats for my dogs, since online really tells me nothing about it.
Does anyone know what I should be looking for, fill type or amount for what I'm looking for? I don't want a rain jacket, thin piece of waterproof fabric and that's it. I want it to have some fill just to 'take the edge off' as they say.
Ideas? Links to the right coats?
I've been looking over MiniTack.com and I have zero ideas as to which to get.
So, I'd like to find a blanket for her that is waterproof and adds just some warmth. We rarely have this type of overly cold weather in VA, hopefully it won't continue in the following winters, but anyway.
I have no idea what kind of blanket she needs when buying online. They don't have mini coats in stores, not much of the regular horse size ones either. I'm used to feeling the coats for my dogs, since online really tells me nothing about it.
Does anyone know what I should be looking for, fill type or amount for what I'm looking for? I don't want a rain jacket, thin piece of waterproof fabric and that's it. I want it to have some fill just to 'take the edge off' as they say.
Ideas? Links to the right coats?
I've been looking over MiniTack.com and I have zero ideas as to which to get.