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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Western North Carolina
Hello everyone,

I have a mare with diarrhea. She has had it off and on for 2 weeks. She has an appointment with the vet on Monday. Does anyone have any advice in the mean time? She doesn't act like she feels bad.

She is eating well and doesn't seem tired or weak. She was last dewormed with Equimax on the 1st of August. She has been eating Triple Crown Lite for several weeks because she is on the chubby side. Thanks in advance I am worried about her.

Good to get this checked out--it could be a number of things. We have a mare that was having that problem and it was caused by an allergy to molasses. jennifer :saludando:
Could it be anything to do with the change in diet a few weeks ago. Has she ever been on this food before?

we have had a mare do it when he comes in heat. drives me crazy. does it seem to come and go with her cycle?? If you can find coconut maccaroons and feed her one they seem it clear it up right away. Dont ask me why but it does work. also you said shes eating triple crown for the last couple weeks. So is this a new feed to her?? Would seem to me if shes been on this for 2 weeks and shes had diarhea for two weeks could be the feed. I would take her off and see if it goes away
I too would suspect the change in feed as the culprit. If you do take her off it and switch back to what she was on make sure you do it slowly over a weeks time.
Hi All,

Thank you for the replies. She has been eating Triple Crown for almost 3 months. I did change her over to the low starch for a while but it wasn't keeping the weight off like the Lite does. She is on grass hay and the Lite formula 2 times a day. She is on dry lot. Any recommendations on feed since she does tend to be overweight? Could she be getting sand from being dry lotted?
If you can find coconut maccaroons and feed her one they seem it clear it up right away. Dont ask me why but it does work.

Unsweetened shredded (medium) coconut also least it does for my guys. I get it at the bulk food store and whenever someone is loose, I put a small handful of coconut in with their grain and it clears up! One of my guys liked it so much that we had to gradually cut him off as he wouldn't eat his grain without it!!
Short term till a vet comes I use Pepto Bismol (generic works fine) or "pink stuff" as it's known in my house
My first guess as to cause would be something in the feed or if she is eating leaves. I feed two different feeds because two of mine are sensitive to something in commercial pellets. Cleared them up switching over to a new feed. My horses are also dry lotted. You could try giving them a week long dose of Metamucil (or generic equivilent- Walmart's Equate is inexpensive at about $5 for two month supply) to clear out any sand.

Good luck


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