Need answer to question - impending foaling.... Crystal

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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My mare Crystal is due anytime. I didn't turn her out. I see the usual signs that I have seen before, the tail swishing, the pacing, the pushing her behind against the wall, bitting sides, etc. What I have never seen is a mare "trembling". Her back legs, her bag and most of the rest of her body was "trembling" for about 5 minutes.... is this another sign? This is something I have never seen before and I can't tell if this is normal for this mare because she has always "surprised" us with her foalings, she is very sneaky in not showing major signs during our presence. Help.
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One of our pinto mares had 'trembles' before foaling her first foal for us (weren't constant trembles, more like shivers that would come and go).. I do think it was from the foal perhaps hitting/pinching a nerve when it was 'moving' into position as it just started out of no where, she foaled that night and the "trembles" stopped.. Course this was only her second foal and could have simply been nervousness with the impending labor.. She didn't have a foal this past foal season, but we did breed her back for next year and of course will be looking for this again come foaling time..
Thank you, thank you for your quick reply. Yes Crystal stopped tembling, it's just I have never seen this before in her or my other mare when it comes to foaling. I expect Crystal will foal sometime this evening (early a.m.) Her pattern is usually between 2:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. Again thank you.
Will be waiting for the wee one. Come on Crystal let's get this done.

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