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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2004
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Orange, TX
OK here is the question. My friend bought a filly that was sired by my stallion. He is a silver sorrel and her dam is a bay. Foal was clipped out to be a silver dapple (we think). Here are some picures of sire, dam and filly as a weanling and pictures of her now.





Filly as weanling


Filly now as a 3 year old



Please help us to determine what her color is.

Thanks Carlene

OK sire picture didn't post so I am trying again.


OK trying for the sire's picture again.


OK I don't know why I can't get the picture to come up but trying again.


Sorry that the picture is so big.
Sire APPEARS Silver Bay from what I can see of him. Dam APPEARS Black in the photos. Filly APPEARS Silver Black. The Silver Black can change so dramatically from season to season and after clipping. She appears to be in summer coat. If you clipped her, she would most likely look very Silver again.

Added: Is there any chance of a Cream gene involved? I am told this sometimes limits the bleaching of the mane in Silvers.
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OK.....your filly does indeed look Silver Dapple (Silver Black) in the foal shot. She has had a significant color change since then....but not beyond the realm of Silver Blacks (they come in all different shades). She could very well be just a Silver Black & in a "light" phase.

You say the dam is bay....but she really looks black in that photo. Could she possibly be a Smokey Black (which may have a tint of brown in her, making her "appear" a shade of bay?) Do you know the colors of her parents?

If she IS carrying creme...and the foal got the creme gene. The foal would actually be a Smokey Silver Black, which would explain her light "tauple" coloring. I don't "feel" she is a Silver Bay....her coloring is just too light for that. But hey....anything is possible where these little guys are concerned. :lol:
She looks exactly like our smokey silver dapple colt. I'm going to hazard a guess she is one too. Or at least silver dapple. She's very pretty! Congrats on owning her sire, and to your friend for buying her!
OK here is another picture of the sire (not the best picture) where you can see his feet. I am almost 100% sure he is a silver sorrel.


I am not sure on the dam's parents but I will try to find out. She may be a smokey black. Thanks for all your help I am hopeless with color genetics.

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OK here is another picture of the sire (not the best picture) where you can see his feet. I am almost 100% sure he is a silver sorrel.


I am not sure on the dam's parents but I will try to find out. She may be a smokey black. Thanks for all your help I am hopeless with color genetics.

He still looks Silver Bay to me. If I were going to bet, I would bet the filly is a Smokey Silver Black.

I bred this filly, when I owned her sire and dam. Hot Shot is no doubt a silver sorrel, since both of his parents were silvers. Hannah Little Wild Thing would occasionally look like a bay, but very rarely. She was mostly a beautiful black. Now, that is not to say she is not a smoky black. I do not have the R studbook, but the dam Hannah Little Wild Thing, and also Bantams hot shot are there.

The Filly is Westwoods Hot Little Whirlwind, and I am pleased to have her home. So, if anyone wants to take a gander at the colors after looking at the studbook, I would love that!!!

The Filly is Westwoods Hot Little Whirlwind, and I am pleased to have her home. So, if anyone wants to take a gander at the colors after looking at the studbook, I would love that!!!

Unfortunately, the colors listed on the Studbook are notoriously unreliable. I can produce numerous examples of colors that are genetically impossible from the colors listed for the sire and dam in the Studbook.
Still looking for opinions on her color. Can someone do a AMHR lookup on the dam to see what colors she has in her background. PLEASE :bgrin

Dam registered name is Hannah Little Wild Thing.

Thanks Carlene
Hannah has a granddam names Del Teras Champagne. Champagne goes to AMHA, so that will not tell us much today.,

Edited to say we are aware of the color problems on the studbooks, but they can give us an idea, at the very least.
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I actually think some of the historic colours are a real hindrance to identifying colour-.

I think this filly is going to turn out to be Smoky Silver Black- her having two Silver Parents does not, of course mean she is necessarily Silver but I do think she is- Cream inhibits Silver expression so that would explain the darker than usual mane and tail and the Cream would also explain the taupe (love that word!!) body colour.

You can test her for Red, Cream and Agouti if you wish to test- That would tell you if the mare is carrying Chestnut and if she is a Smoky and also if she is really a weird Bay!!!

Visually though, I will stick with Smoky Silver Black.
:aktion033: Jane I was hoping you would respond I appreciate your help.

Her Taupe color threw me big time. She is beautiful whatever color she is.

Thanks for all the help.


Just wanted to add a picture of their first filly together.

This was their second filly and Sophie was thier first.




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