I have become quite the fish nut in the past few months. They're awesome pets! They don't bark, meow, shed, or pee on the carpet :aktion033: They also don't bite the mailman :bgrin
I currently have 8 tanks with fish in them. I have 3 10-gallon tanks with guppies, gollies (guppy/molly crosses), tiger barbs, red eye tetras, upside down catfish and the assorted corys and algae eaters. We have 2-2 1/2 gallon tanks and other smaller tanks with betas in them. Tomorrow I'm picking up a freebie 29 gallon tank with 2 plecos in it. What I'm looking for advice on is what kind of fish to get for it.
I'd like a community tank, but I'm not sure what would go together. Angelfish are gorgeous, but from what I'm reading they tend to get a little big and I wouldn't be able to have very many in the same tank. I'd like to get something that's bigger than a guppy (but won't get too big), not super aggressive, and will live in a community tank with other fish. I researched jelly bean parrot fish, but read that they sometimes get super aggressive, especially when they're guarding eggs/fry.
Any ideas on what would go good together?? I would like to stick with the warm water tropical fish, but not salt water fish because I have absolutely no experience with them.
I currently have 8 tanks with fish in them. I have 3 10-gallon tanks with guppies, gollies (guppy/molly crosses), tiger barbs, red eye tetras, upside down catfish and the assorted corys and algae eaters. We have 2-2 1/2 gallon tanks and other smaller tanks with betas in them. Tomorrow I'm picking up a freebie 29 gallon tank with 2 plecos in it. What I'm looking for advice on is what kind of fish to get for it.
I'd like a community tank, but I'm not sure what would go together. Angelfish are gorgeous, but from what I'm reading they tend to get a little big and I wouldn't be able to have very many in the same tank. I'd like to get something that's bigger than a guppy (but won't get too big), not super aggressive, and will live in a community tank with other fish. I researched jelly bean parrot fish, but read that they sometimes get super aggressive, especially when they're guarding eggs/fry.
Any ideas on what would go good together?? I would like to stick with the warm water tropical fish, but not salt water fish because I have absolutely no experience with them.