Thanks guys. On Friday I found (and picked off) around 150ish fleas. Saturday we found just under 50. Yesterday we found 4, and today none!
I hope that is a very good sign. He's been outside since Friday, only coming in so that we can check him. It's weird, I've always assumed that fleas liked to run and jump. These ones seem to be attached to him, and don't run unless I upset them and then they just burrow back into his fur.
On Saturday I started wetting his fur with a vinegar/water solution, and starting tomorrow, I'm going to start using lavendar/water on his fur and collar. We applied salt to our carpets on Saturday and just vacumed it today. Tomorrow I will use the lavendar/water solution on the carpet and furniture, along with another thorough vacuming.
We haven't seen any fleas anywhere, other than on him. We did do a monthly treatment on our two dogs outside that he has been sleeping and playing with. He's too young, we couldn't find a product that we could safely use on him. I'm also not too keen on using poisons on our animals if I can help it. Our cats, indoor dog and rabbit will also be getting lavendar/oil put between their shoulder blades as a preventative measure. The smell apparently repells the fleas. I also sprayed the outside doghouse and sleeping area with flyspray (which also kills fleas).
We don't live in a "flea area", and I'm desperately trying to keep it that way. I told Mark not to bring anymore animals home from outside areas.
Here's a couple of older pictures of him. He's almost doubled in size in the two weeks we've had him. He has blue going down the center of his back, and also his tail. Does anyone have any idea what his color would be considered? I looked up a bluefawn, and none of them seemed to have his markings.