Need Prayres!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I dont have much time on the computer right now, Infact, this is the first time ive been on in 3 days...

We have 2 very sick mares, Both have the same symoptoms... None of the local vets can tell us whats wrong... Right now, the symptoms are pointing in the direction of Easteren Encephalitis, Our Horses are all

current on theier Vaccinations. We are having blood work done in the morning to see if that will tell us anyting...... Both horses have the exact same symptoms,and funny thing is both havent been anywhere near each other for over 3 months, come of the symptoms are... Depression, staggering and loss of coordination, High Fever (between 104 -105), wont eat thier feed, acute pain, spending most of the time laying down.... Anyway, Theres alot more but I have to get back down to the barn.... Right now they are getting pumped full of several antibiotics, banamine, and a very potent sedative/tranqulizer to ease the pain some, which os working wonders in making them a little more comfortable, We could really use some prayres for our 2 mares, Weve been going round the clock since Sunday, to keep these horses comfortable and Stable, at one point on Monday night, one of them went into somekind of a shock...Anyway, Any prayres are greatly appreciated..

I am praying for you and your mares. This sounds like a scary, stressful situation.
OH William no.....

Look, there is stuff down there trying to bloom and grow right now so please inquire to the vets about poisioning/plants etc. and ask them what they think of adding some activated charcoal to their meds just in case. I've had that kind of thing too and down there that is one of the first things our vets always did and please check your hay and where you got it from. And don't forget about EPM too. I am sure you're vets have it covered and you are trying so hard to stay on top of it all.

I am so very sorry to hear about this and I know what you are going through. I will say prayers for them and pray for a very speedy recovery. I hope the blood work gets back fast for you and things will turn out well.
Many prayers coming your way for you and your mares!

Ginny StP
Sending lots of prayers your way! I hope your mares start doing better fast.....please keep us updated as well as final diagnosis.
Oh, William I hate to hear that! I'll continue thinking of you guys and hope for good results!

Bobby & Grace-

So sorry to hear about your mares. Sure hope they're doing better by this morning. Lots of prayers coming your way. Who's sick. Keep us posted!!!!

What a scary situation. Lots of prayers coming your way for your 2 very precious little mares.
Sending prayers up for you and your mares. Please keep us informed. I know you must be scared.
:no: I'm so sorry !! I pray that your mares get better quickly.
I am so sorry your horses are so sick. Please know that I am praying for a successful recovery for your horses and strength and help for you to pull them through this mysterious illness.
[SIZE=14pt]Praying for you and your little mares! Keep us posted .[/SIZE]

Prayers sent for the very best outcome possible!!! Take care of yourself and your mares.
Oh My. I wish I could help you figure out what it is. We had some colics a couple years ago, and not knowing what was causing them, was such a helpless feeling. I hope they are on the mend.

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