Need Some

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2003
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Hello ,

I am in desparate need of a volunteer or two to clip the TWO YOUTH ESSAY Horses that I have donated. Every year before someone has donated their time and effort , for the kids to do this . I am giving a yearling soon to be gelding , and a yearling mare !! They are both under 30" I do not have time to get these two horses ready for the Presentation.. The YOUTH COMMITTEE SAY THEY CAN NOT HELP ?????????????????????????????/
Not sure why , as in the past they have always done so .. They say they are my responsibiltiy until they are given away .. They also would not allow me to send them to a trainer this year , and in years past that is how these animals got out and were seen , as I do not have the room to take them , and also it got other people involved in helping the kids..

All that I am needing is someone to donate just a little time to clip them on Wed or Thurs of ( 9 or 10th ) I will be sure you get recognition for your time .. If no one can do this then maybe someone can donate the $$ to pay someone to clip them. The youth committee answer was JUST DON"T BRING THEM !! Now tell me how is that fair to the children that have called and ask about these horses and are looking forward to them...

Ok, I am done venting as I woke up to the email this morning saying they could not and would not help me with this problem.. People this is for the Children
Please email me if you can help out .. Belinda
That's unbelievable! This is such a generous thing you do... The Youth Committee should be ashamed of themselves!

I'll come find you and offer some time if you still need it. We get in on Tues.... afternoon... Wed. may be a little hectic with setting up, so it would be Thurs. = )

Joanne Anderson/Gold Vision Farm~ stalling with Lori Guglielmo
How can the people in charge of our youth committee be unwilling to simply clip 2 horses being dontated. HELLO THIS IS OUR YOUTH COMMITTEE FOR YOUTH seems to defeat the purpose.

I am glad to hear it was taken care of
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[SIZE=14pt]I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU TO Dale Ganger Show Time Equine Center FOR Donating the clipping of these two horses..
Please I did not want this to turn into a beating of the Youth Committee , but we just need to pull together on these things , and all work towards the common goal , " THE CHILDREN "" !! For without them we have NO FUTURE !!
How wonderful of Dale Ganger Show Time Equine Center to donate the clipping of these horses. And also a big thank you to you Belinda for donating the horses to the children.

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