Need to vent......

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
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As many of you know, I'm a critical care paramedic. Today, I am totally and utterly frustrated!!! I started my day with a cardiac arrest - geriatric gentleman who was out shoveling his snow, had a heart attack and went down. His wife (who was 86 years old) drug him inside and did CPR on him for 5 minutes until we got there. We got this gentleman back!!! (Yeah us!!!). He will walk out of the hospital thanks, namely, to his wife! She had never had formal training in CPR, but was able to do what she was instructed as one of my dispatchers told her what to do. He arrived at the hospital with a pulse and attempting to breathe on his own!

My second call of the day, another cardiac arrest - this time an 8 month old under the Christmas tree. Her mother REFUSED to do CPR "cuz it's gross when someone pukes in your mouth"!!! OMG!!!!!! I haven't ever been a parent, but I am DARN sure that my parents would do WHATEVER it took to do save my butt!!! This baby went 7 minutes without CPR - we worked for 40 minutes to try to save this little precious baby, but were unsuccessful. I sat and under the Christmas tree holding this baby crying as her mother yelled at me and told me how incompetent I was - "you couldn't even do your job good enough to save my baby!" She then had enough gall to tell me that "since youre gay you'll never know what it's like to have a baby." I couldn't help but look at her and say "I may be gay, and you're right, I may never have children, but I'm DARN sure that since I just worked my butt off to help YOUR baby, I would do something to help my own!" Inappropriate, probably! But I just couldn't help it!

Finally, one of my co-workers was almost killed. (and some people say being a paramedic isn't dangerous). They were on an accident scene. They parked behind a squad car (behind the accident on the interstate). Two squads parked behind the ambulance. The crew checked on the person in the accident (a spin out so nothing serious) and were walking back to their ambulance when a man, on his cell phone, didn't see the scene and swerved, on icy roads, to miss the squad cars. My co-worker yelled to the cops - one dove over the hood of his car and avoided getting hit as this DUMB SCHMUCK plowed into the two squad cars sending them down the interstate. My co-worker grabbed and threw his partner out of the way of the squads and took the hit himself (HE'S DOING FINE!!!! THANK GOD!!!). WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING?! This man, on his phone, could have killed an officer (one of my friends) and two of my co-workers (VERY close friends) tonight. He got out of his car and said, "well, accidents happen."

I'm so frustrated, I could spit. I'm going to have a cold beer and then I'm going to bed so I can get up tomorrow and do it all over again! Thanks for listening to my vent!

Have a safe night/day/whatever it is in your part of the world!

Adam you deserve the vent......

My gosh for what you guys go and see, most of us

will never have a clue.....

Thanks for at least trying to give that baby a chance,

when it seems it's own mother needs not to be

contributing to the gene pool.

Enjoy that beer and a good nights sleep.
I have to applaud you, as it takes very special people to do what you do. And If it wasn't for you, a lot of lives wouldn't be saved.. My sister was an EMT on our Vol. Fire dept, and it does take a special type of person to be able to handle it.(She found out, she wasn't cut out to do it..) That is just so sad that that baby's mother wouldn't do a dang thing to save her baby.. I know I would give my life for either of my children, if need be. But she had no business making any comment to you, as you put your heart and soul into trying to save the baby.. I couldn't imagine having a day like yours, heck I thought mine was rough-- 2 1/2 hrs in a drs. office for me with 3 kids..
But God Bless you for doing what you do, and not giving up because of the rude people out there... This world needs caring and dedicated people like you everyday..
So have a beer kick back, you deserve it.. And thank you for going out and doing it again tomorrow!! :love
I can totally sympathize with you.

That mother sounds like a real ding-a-ling. As for the dangerous driver, at least he had the excuse of a cell phone. I've encountered a few scary drivers in the past two days...I think the holiday season must bring them out?...and not a one of them was on a cell, unless they had handsfree sets on.
Adam this really puts things in perspective doesn't it!

I would have been tempted to choke her until she puked in her own mouth!

How you do it day after day is beyond me.

But it is Policemen,EMT'S and Firemen who should be making hundreds of thousands a year not these stupid rockstars biting chicken heads off!

I have always said this and still believe it, where are our priorities? Not where they should be.

I also say we should fire all of the senators and congressmen and replace them all with Vermont farmers who do have their heads on straight!

But glad you can come here to vent please do anytime.

for being you and doing what you do.


Aw, Adam, I'm just sick for you...what a triumph to save a life, and then so needlessly lose one. It was NOT your fault that that poor baby didn't make it, and I have to think that woman trying to lay blame had to be feeling it herself. How could she not? Puke? Are you kidding me? I have three babies and I happen to know that I'd pretty much drink gallons of it if I thought it would save their lives. She has only herself to blame, and I am sorry for her child, and the family of that baby. I know you felt great sorrow over this, and her treatment of you was hideous.

You obviously have great empathy, and to try and say you didn't, for whatever reason, is just incomprehensible to me. You are heroes, and most people are VERY grateful to you for what you do. I can't imagine a job like you do.

I have a friend that drives a tow truck, he was injured in a wreck last year much like the one you describe, someone not paying attention, driving too fast for the conditions hit his truck while he was recovering a confiscated motorcycle. It's just lucky that he, his son, and the policeman were all out of the way of her car when she hit him. This same man's life (the tow driver) was saved many years ago when he was fatally stabbed (in the heart, lungs, and each kidney) and taken swiftly to the hospital by an ambulance and its crew, keeping him from bleeding to death. He works amongst (and has relied on) your co-workers (well, that's a stretch being that they are here in Oregon, and you're there), and has great respect for you and the dangers you are exposed to, as do I. I believe most reasonable people feel the same.

What I'm sorry for is the emotional toll.

I wish I could offer you a hug, or whatever it took to patch you back up for the day tomorrow, and all that are to come. I hope they are not as hard on you.

Adam- You are a very amazing person, have a beer and relax, you are a one in a million out there, I could never do what you do and go back the next day. You are truly a very special person. I applaud you. Happy New Year !!! Angela
Adam --

My jaw dropped reading about the mother who wouldn't do CPR. You know, I would do it on one of my DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!! I just cannot imagine what kind of person she must be, and how heart breaking about that poor baby
I hope that there are legal consequences for her and at the very least, she should be sterilized! She should be charged with man slaughter imo and have her tubes tied. She is an evil *****.

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Wow, Adam. That's exactly why I couldn't enter human medicine. I have no tolerance for stupidity. You have shown much more self restraint than I would have! I would think there would have to be some sort of neglect charges that could be brought against the mother??

Don't feel too bad about your day. I'm having one too! It's 4:30am and I've been at work since 8am! Horse hung in a trailer, and 3 colics make for a very long night.
Oh, Adam....I am so very sorry for what you had to go through last night. I am so glad you're out there caring about people and trying to save their lives. Even if that mother didn't appreciate your efforts to save her baby, there are plenty of people who do appreciate and thank you for what you do!!! {{{HUGS!}}}
Adam, you are one of those special angels on earth. Wrapping you in warmth and thanks for the hard work you, and others like you, do so selflessly.

You didn't mention what would cause an 8-month-old to go into cardiac arrest. Did it involve negligence on the part of a parent? Do you know if Social Services or the police became involved after the baby died?

On the subject of CPR training for infants: Mothers should be taught infant CPR before leaving the hospital with their baby. Nurses offer to show mothers how to breast feed. Why not take a few minutes to give basic CPR for infants? Having had the training more than once, I know it is not that difficult to learn.

As for cell phones: States need to pass laws that make cell phone use while driving illegal unless it is hands-free usage. Also, there are far too many teens and young adults text messaging while driving. That needs to carry a stiff penalty, too -- like revocation of license.
Some people do beat all. I'd walk through fire (physical or emotional) for my two kids, and you do it every day for people you don't even know. "Accidents happen?" Sure they do, but to me, that was no accident. That was carelessness, or worse. My hat's off to you, Adam. Stay safe. ((((HUGS))))
Adam you do a great job and I know how hard it is. I was going to go for EMT but I just couldn't take the pain you guys deal with every day and I'm pretty darn tough. Yaddax is right though parents should be required to learn CPR [and other necessary things] before leaving the hospital. Unfortunately today the world is so much about ME ME ME and not about responsibility and courtesy. Believe me you were very mild compared to what I would do to that mother. [[[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]]]] to you for all you do. Linda B
OMG Adam...I am so very, very sorry for you and for that baby. I can not imagine any human being not being willing to do everything possible to save a child's life--esp a parent for their child. IMHO that woman doesn't deserve to have pets, much less children--it makes me ill. I could picture you there with that baby and it just breaks my heart. Yours is one of the toughest jobs out there--that of a rescue worker--an angel on Earth. Try to think of the victories even as you mourn the loss of a precious child.
Dear Adam, I see many people who come here to vent and many of them seem so trivial compared to something like this. You show you really care about the people who are put into your hands to save. Your heart is truly in the right place and I sure felt like crying right along with you for that innocent child. So many tough lessons to learn in this life. A big hug to you for doing your very best. Mary

PS. I really feel sorry for a mother who thinks only of herself. I have given mouth to mouth to both puppies and a calf that had a super hard delivery without a thought of anything other than saving that life and what a reward when I seen them breathing on their own!. Mary
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I don't know how you do it. Day after day your work-life must be like a rollercoaster ride! Wonderful highs when you save a life and horrible lows when you come across the scum of the earth like this lady.
It takes a very special person to do what you do.
I hope today is a better one for you.
Well guys! I'm back at work - my shift starts in 20 minutes. It SO amazing to hear the support that's out there. Many of the people we encounter on a daily basis ARE having the worst day of their lives, and to us, we are doing our job. This fact, makes them not see how truly diffiuclt some of the situations are that we encounter. It does take a special (err.... or sometimes slightly insane) person to do this job. But, for those that do, it is one of the most rewarding jobs you could EVER have.

I do agree that EVERYONE should know CPR - people often comment that they can't find a class or that the classes cost money (and we all know its sometimes in short supply). Our company decided to face those two issues head on - we offer instruction on a daily basis at our base at NO charge! Each of our EMT's and paramedics are CPR Instructors and are more than happy to provide at least a basic understanding. We also have an entire training room set up with practice manequins (infant to adult size). Although this is not a formal certification class, a little card doesn't mean you can't perform CPR effectively.

Here's a quick update - the driver of the vehicle was SERIOUSLY reprimanded and fined for inattentive driving. Well, that and his BMW, is in pieces....

The older gentleman is still on a ventilator, but is opening his eyes and responding purposefully to interaction with him. His wife called my supervisor in the night and wanted to share her thanks with us - her husband had told her that he NEVER wanted to leave her side 56 years ago and they had both agreed that they would do anything for the other. His wife, unknown to me, was usually wheelchair bound - saw her husband go down outside - and got up from her wheelchair to pull him inside. THAT is incredible strength in my eyes. Someone helped her keep her promise to him.

The mother of the infant is not being charged with anything (although IMO should be). There was no evidence of any type of physical neglect, but an autopsy is being performed at the request of the county. I also found out that she is also PREGNANT again!!!! OMG! I can only pray that the either 1) she has recognized her short-comings and provides so much more for the next baby or 2) she is found guilty of something and this baby is placed with a well-deserving family.

Here's my 2008 wish list:

1) EVERYONE (kids through geriatric adults) have some type of CPR training. Heck, if you see me at a horse show and want to know. I'll be in the stall showing you how! Don't be afraid to ask.

2) No more babies will EVER die - I know each death occurs for some reason beyond my knowledge, so at least make those that are preventable be stopped.

3) Myself and my peers will all live to ring in 2009 with our families after a SAFE year!

4) That each person who sees an a paramedic/EMT, fireman or police officer would take the extra step out of their way to thank them. I don't expect thanks, but it is an INCREDIBLE feeling to hear.

Thanks again everyone - I have shared many of your comments with my friends and co-workers - several are dabbing their eyes. Several more helped me write the wish list for 2008. YOU guys are the reason that we are here today!
Wow!!!!! In regards to that mother, you were a lot nicer than I would have been. That's awful; I know that your job is one of the most stressful jobs in the world; the burnout rate is high. Stay strong and think pleasant thoughts and...we're always here for a venting...and so am I

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