need web building help

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I put the show entry forms and class lists on lennies site and thought all was well. NOT. for some reason when you click to print them they enlarge to a huge size so only half a page prints. Anyone know what i did wrong??

You would probably have better luck if you made them into PDF's. They are Jpgs like a picture. You reduced their size for the webpage but in reality are a lot bigger and print that way.
I ended up buying PDF creator for under 20.00 at office max.

But there are a lot of freebies on the internet by searching for pdf maker.

I started doing a newsletter and needed to convert my microsoft publisher to readable files for everyone to use.
You Might try

They also have a free pdf reader. I have made that my reader. (Note,

I like it because you can safe your pdf files instead of viewing it in

a browser first)

You can create .pdf files in any application you have on your computer. Go

to and download the free program. It will put

another virtual printer on your system, so if you create a document in Word

for example, you tell it to print to the Primopdf printer, and you have your

..pdf file created. Works great!
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i tried two different free version pdf readers and they wouldnt work. But cindy sent them to me in pdf format THANK YOU CINDY. but i still need the entry forms put into pdf. guess i should just buy adobe but I need to get these working today. He has a lot of people waiting on the forms for the march show. thanks for all your help guys
woohoo i got it all fixed. I used a free trial version of adobe online. you can convert 6 files for free. heres the link if anyone needs it

Ha, I was going to say to put them in as Word documents. I absolutely hate pdf format, both here at home on my old & slow computer, and at work where we have new, fast computers.

A friend did her on line show book as pdf last year & it printed really badly. She converted it into Word & then it was fine for everyone.
i did try converting to word first but it was still too big. probably has something to do with the scanner. I even tried adjusting the size on the scanned file ughhh. I have never had trouble printing pdf files??
i did try converting to word first but it was still too big. probably has something to do with the scanner. I even tried adjusting the size on the scanned file ughhh. I have never had trouble printing pdf files??
Kay, I think what she meant was to publish the word file directly to the web for people to print out...not for you to print it out and publish that document as a jpg.

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