Well-Known Member
on wednesday i went to see my mares sire. he was in such awful shape i cried when i saw him. First of all he had foundered a couple of years ago, now his feet are so long that they curl up so much that the soles are facing the sky. he is being fed garbage hay in the middle of his pasture but cannot get to the barn to drink because he cannot walk due to the horrible feet that have also made his legs twist. when i saw him he hadnt moved from a 10 foot radius since the last time it had snowed, at least a week. he has no winter coat and is so skinny, also has no muscle tone at all due to not moving. I spoke with the owner and convinced him to give him to me. The next day my boyfrind picked him up for me. It took him an hour to walk him the less than quarter mile out of the feild. Long story not so short (sorry about the rammbling) my question is this what kind of feed do you guys suggest to put weight on a foundered horse?, what do you suggest for pain management? and lastly i dont think he has been wormed in at leat six years because the guy that owened him knows absolutly nothing about horses, so what type of wormer would you suggest and what dose? I dont want him to get impacted with the wormes if i give him to much and kill the off to quickly. Any and all opinions would be great.