Neighbor's barns on fire!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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Williams, OR
Holy cow! I was getting ready for bed (1 am, I'm a night owl) and I remembered I hadn't medicated Bubba's eye. So I start to grab my jacket and head for the barn and noticed this weird colored light....went to investigate and my neighbor's barn was on fire! Ran back inside and hollered at hubby to get up and I got on the phone to 911.....I was a blathering idiot I was so upset! I was also headed back out to my barn... which is only about 100 feet from the neighbor's fully engulfed barn. The 911 operator must have thought I was a total ditz.....took me several tries to get my address out and then the neighbors. Hubby's calling the neighbors on his cell and only gets a machine. I don't think there were any animals in the barn but if there had been it would have been impossible to get them out by the time I saw the fire......the whole barn was in flames and shooting sparks 200 ft high. Poor Bubba was the only mini in my barn and he was freaking out! I grabbed him(still on line with 911) and got him out of there! My mares who were next closest were thankfully being smart and staying far away. Got off line with 911 and tried the neighbor's again and this time got someone, I think Doug's call probably woke them and they were getting dressed when I called. It was amazing how fast that barn went up. It's down to embers now just an hour after I first saw it; fire dept is on scene and I'm going to try and get to sleep.....I'm supposed to be at the vet's at 11 to get Bubba's eye re-checked and then I have to work for 12 hours! Oh well, sleeps overated anyway. :no:
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Oh man! :new_shocked: How scary! How the heck did it start? I'm glad the sparks didn't catch your barn on fire too. I'm scared to death of fires! I hope you can catch a nap before the long day you have coming up.
:new_shocked: That is so scary! I'm glad that your barn didn't catch too. I hope your neighbors didn't lose any animals.
So sorry to hear about the fire.....please update us on what started it when you can.
Hey YOU are a HERO! :aktion033: Destiny is a wonderful thing. Just think how awful it may have been if you hadn't gone out then. You saved the lives of two people very possibly. Sleep you can get tonite. I do hope Bubba's eye is improved.
I am so glad to hear your barn didnt catch on fire to,100 feet isnt very far. How big was the barn? Do they know how it started? SLEEP----oh well
: Corinne
WOW!!! I'm glad it sounds as if nobody was hurt!!! Hey, don't beat yourself up over the 911 call!!! At least you made one! There are many who wouldn't for whatever reason. :no:

Please update us when you know more. Barn fires are one of my fears!!!

I think most people are "excited" when they have to call 911 and the operators are trained to handle that.

Just thank God you were up and had "forgotten" to do Bubba's eye!

Fires are so scary, the house next door burned a few years ago and I can still remember the sounds that came from that house...not people or animals just strange sounds.
I glad everyone was okay. That barn was just another saga in a long line for that family. At least now their horses won't be knee deep in fertilizer cooped up in the barn.

I wouldn't tell people in certain circles who made the 911 call. It was probably someone we know who answered.
Hunh? Do you know the people the fire happened to WCR? Were there animals inside the barn when the fire happened?
Okay, have time for a quick update before I haul Bubba to the vet! First of all, there were no animals in the barn....Thank God!! The stalls were so full of poop that the neighbor had decided to turn the ones that reside in the barn into the paddocks on the other side of the house when she went away for the weekend(so I guess I shouldn't complain anymore about their horses being knee-hi in poop cause it saved their lives!). It is a wood barn and they think the fire was electrical and started in the tack room. Neighbor(husband) was also lucky that he was too lazy to put the tractor back in the barn after he fueled it yesterday so that was saved also. WCR is my buddy and knows my neighbors and their exploits well. Their barn was good sized 40x40, but was an eyesore cause they don't maintain as long as no animals got hurt and my barn didn't catch(thank God I have a metal roof!!) it was no great loss. I did offer hay this am but he said there was some coming and he was going to throw the burned stuff out for the horses to pick at(wonderful
Oh yuk, burned hay! :no:

Would the neighbor notice if you threw a little good stuff out there? (for the horse's sake, not his).

I'm glad to hear that no animals were hurt. Wow.....thank goodness you caught it in time and nothing happened to your barn or horses. I feel bad for their horses now tho...even if the hay is not burned...still the smoke taste sits in the blades.....not very palatable.
When I got back from the vet with Bubba....whose eye is doing much better! I noticed the mother-in-law had brought hay out and the horses were all eating. Hopefully she'll talk Dustin out of feeding the burnt stuff(it's gotta be wet too from the fireman's hoses).
What a scary situation and so glad no animals were lost!

Just about a year ago I was in the house and hubby outside working on fencing when he started HOLLERING for me over the radio, hubby NEVER yells! Our neighbors brand new barn was on fire and going up FAST! They had horses in the pasture adjoining the barn, chickens, rabbits, goats and cats, it was a MADHOUSE! By the time I got out there the fire dept was arriving in droves and people were running everywhere. I grabbed lead ropes and baling twine and headed for the lower pasture gate and we grabbed the horses (2 QH and a TB) and yelled at hubby to close my run in barn up to put them in, we got the horses through the smoke and to our farm only to have someone turn one of the big horses out with my 31 mini mares! Mares darn near put that horse through my fence, major stampede!

We got the horses situated and went back, no WAY to get into the barn, got two of the goats out and brought them up and then got out of the way.

There were probably a dozen fire trucks, tankers plus three squads, all the way up to my drive at my house, dozens of volunteer fire personel and their vehicles and basically a madhouse.

Hubby went in to help pull equiptment from the front of the barn to help salvage it and get it out of the way, I came back to our house to pass out coffee and man the phone because neighbors were going nuts calling worried it was us and we didn't need any more traffic back here.

This fire ended up having been accidently started by their son, he'd been cleaning in their lounge (in the barn) and accidently turned the stove on and it had something flammable on the unit. The barn was fully engulfed in less than 5 minutes.

They did lose a goat, two rabbits, chickens and 9 cats, their quad runners, mower, guns, ammo, propane tanks (YIKES!!! They were storing this stuff in a barn!!))

In looking back we're lucky none of us got killed, if those propane tanks or the fuel tanks on the equiptment had gone it could have been deadly.

We did keep their horses for a few weeks until they got a new shelter built, and they now have an even bigger barn with an even fancier lounge.

What a scary situation and so glad no animals were lost!

Just about a year ago I was in the house and hubby outside working on fencing when he started HOLLERING for me over the radio, hubby NEVER yells! Our neighbors brand new barn was on fire and going up FAST! They had horses in the pasture adjoining the barn, chickens, rabbits, goats and cats, it was a MADHOUSE! By the time I got out there the fire dept was arriving in droves and people were running everywhere. I grabbed lead ropes and baling twine and headed for the lower pasture gate and we grabbed the horses (2 QH and a TB) and yelled at hubby to close my run in barn up to put them in, we got the horses through the smoke and to our farm only to have someone turn one of the big horses out with my 31 mini mares! Mares darn near put that horse through my fence, major stampede!

We got the horses situated and went back, no WAY to get into the barn, got two of the goats out and brought them up and then got out of the way.

There were probably a dozen fire trucks, tankers plus three squads, all the way up to my drive at my house, dozens of volunteer fire personel and their vehicles and basically a madhouse.

Hubby went in to help pull equiptment from the front of the barn to help salvage it and get it out of the way, I came back to our house to pass out coffee and man the phone because neighbors were going nuts calling worried it was us and we didn't need any more traffic back here.

This fire ended up having been accidently started by their son, he'd been cleaning in their lounge (in the barn) and accidently turned the stove on and it had something flammable on the unit. The barn was fully engulfed in less than 5 minutes.

They did lose a goat, two rabbits, chickens and 9 cats, their quad runners, mower, guns, ammo, propane tanks (YIKES!!! They were storing this stuff in a barn!!))

In looking back we're lucky none of us got killed, if those propane tanks or the fuel tanks on the equiptment had gone it could have been deadly.

We did keep their horses for a few weeks until they got a new shelter built, and they now have an even bigger barn with an even fancier lounge.

Your fire sounds a whole lot worse than my neighbors!! I'm just thankful that there were no animals in the barn and that it wasn't summertime when everything is bone dry. I've always heard how fast barns can go up but until you see one in action it really doesn't sink in. Be careful everyone and check your wiring frequently!

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