Yesterday at 1:30 am our gate alarm went off. H got up to check and a big white horse was coming into the yard. It turned out to be our neighbor's horse. My fencing is set up for miniatures, not for biggies. I was afraid he would get into the yard and tear down the electric fence, cause a rumpus with my two. So grabbed up my dog leash and went out. He let me catch him and get the leash into a makedo halter. Began to lead him toward the corral. He is 2 years old and a stallion, completely unhandled. He reared up on me a couple of times but I stepped into him and said No. Got him to the corral (the only thing on the property that can hold a biggie). My Ranger was in there, so had to get the biggie in, make Ranger come out without the two getting into it. Finally got him into the corral and put my two boys in a different pasture, away from the biggie.
H calls the neighbor; their cell phone is turned off but he leaves a message. Next morning, no call. So I phone the neighbor. She had sent her H to look for the horse in the night after seeing our message, but had no idea if H got home with him or not. Not. So H comes over in the Gator with two lead ropes and expects the stallion to follow him home, 1/2 mile, lured by a pan of corn. They do not own a halter. I say I doubt that will work.
Surprise that the horse left the property with the gate open, as he is usually so good to stay home.(!)
I show him my makedo halter; he is impressed and uses the idea. Ask what they intend to do with the horse. He replies horse is a pet. (Stallion/pet?) and he begins to lead the horse home. Horse is rearing and pulling. They made it home.
Hard to imagine well-educated, yuppie folks being so ignorant and irresponsible about animals. They think if one lives in the country one can let one's dogs, horses, Boer bucks, and pot bellied pigs cruise around at will.
I need to invest in a biggie halter, as this is not the first time in the last 10 years that big horses have shown up. One had wandered several miles.
H calls the neighbor; their cell phone is turned off but he leaves a message. Next morning, no call. So I phone the neighbor. She had sent her H to look for the horse in the night after seeing our message, but had no idea if H got home with him or not. Not. So H comes over in the Gator with two lead ropes and expects the stallion to follow him home, 1/2 mile, lured by a pan of corn. They do not own a halter. I say I doubt that will work.
Surprise that the horse left the property with the gate open, as he is usually so good to stay home.(!)
I show him my makedo halter; he is impressed and uses the idea. Ask what they intend to do with the horse. He replies horse is a pet. (Stallion/pet?) and he begins to lead the horse home. Horse is rearing and pulling. They made it home.
Hard to imagine well-educated, yuppie folks being so ignorant and irresponsible about animals. They think if one lives in the country one can let one's dogs, horses, Boer bucks, and pot bellied pigs cruise around at will.

I need to invest in a biggie halter, as this is not the first time in the last 10 years that big horses have shown up. One had wandered several miles.