Well-Known Member
We finally made it back to the surgeon for a re-check on my husband's broken neck (from July 4). We got an up close look at the x-rays of the plate and screws in his neck. Honestly, I'm surprised those darn screws don't come out on the other side!! They looked HUGE. And the plate and screws are both made of titanium. So his neck is probably worth more than the rest of his entire body.
Doctor says he can resume normal activities with the exception of any heavy lifting. In two months time he can resume all activities.
He still has yet to regain full range of motion in his neck. Unsure if it will ever return to 100%. And he still has some tingling and numbness in his left arm. Evidently when he broke his two vertabra, it damaged the nerve that runs down to his left arm. It may return to normal, or it may not. Either way, he was incredibly lucky.
And so, finally, two months after our accident, life here is slowly returning to normal. (Not that I would ever put my husband and normal in the same sentence!!) I am constantly on him to slow down and sometimes he actually listens. It's a miracle.
We have no family up here but our neighbors and our church family have been wonderful. Everyone was so concerned and offered to help with anything that needed doing.
You know, they say that the longer you are married, the more you start to look like each other. Well, I had neurosurgery years ago and my scar and his scar are exactly in the same place. So I guess we ARE starting to resemble each other. How wierd is that?
Now all that is left to do is start getting a handle on all these bills. Wish the two insurance companies would just talk to each other. Our car insurance will pay the first $10,000, which they have already done. Unfortunately, EVERYONE billed them first so now we are getting letters telling us that our claim was denied. Duh....file with our health insurance company. We provided everyone with copies of both policies. Right now we just keep calling them all and telling them to file with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. And we just forward all the letters on to them.
I have already purchased a new stock trailer. I swore I would never be without one when one of the horses hurt his foot and I had to get him to the hospital. And this time, it has brakes. I'm happy with this one. It has been freshly painted and has a real nice, new floor. It's a tad shorter than our original one, but it will be easier to move around, I think. Now all we need to do is find a truck. We hauled the other one home from the wrecker yard and it sits (very sadly) in our barn. I have no idea what hubby plans to do with it.

Doctor says he can resume normal activities with the exception of any heavy lifting. In two months time he can resume all activities.
He still has yet to regain full range of motion in his neck. Unsure if it will ever return to 100%. And he still has some tingling and numbness in his left arm. Evidently when he broke his two vertabra, it damaged the nerve that runs down to his left arm. It may return to normal, or it may not. Either way, he was incredibly lucky.
And so, finally, two months after our accident, life here is slowly returning to normal. (Not that I would ever put my husband and normal in the same sentence!!) I am constantly on him to slow down and sometimes he actually listens. It's a miracle.
We have no family up here but our neighbors and our church family have been wonderful. Everyone was so concerned and offered to help with anything that needed doing.
You know, they say that the longer you are married, the more you start to look like each other. Well, I had neurosurgery years ago and my scar and his scar are exactly in the same place. So I guess we ARE starting to resemble each other. How wierd is that?
Now all that is left to do is start getting a handle on all these bills. Wish the two insurance companies would just talk to each other. Our car insurance will pay the first $10,000, which they have already done. Unfortunately, EVERYONE billed them first so now we are getting letters telling us that our claim was denied. Duh....file with our health insurance company. We provided everyone with copies of both policies. Right now we just keep calling them all and telling them to file with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. And we just forward all the letters on to them.
I have already purchased a new stock trailer. I swore I would never be without one when one of the horses hurt his foot and I had to get him to the hospital. And this time, it has brakes. I'm happy with this one. It has been freshly painted and has a real nice, new floor. It's a tad shorter than our original one, but it will be easier to move around, I think. Now all we need to do is find a truck. We hauled the other one home from the wrecker yard and it sits (very sadly) in our barn. I have no idea what hubby plans to do with it.