Well-Known Member
Someone please move this to the Back Porch. I don't know how it got here on the main forum....I was on the Back Porch and then this posted & I am no longer there. Sigh. Sorry everyone! There must be a forum gremlin at work this afternoon!!
Today was neuter day at the vet clinic....$35 instead of $80+ to get a cat neutered, Two or more is $30 each, but sadly I had only one to be done.
Mr. Manx went in at 8 this morning; he is a stray cat that has been coming here for food for the past year or so. In the last few months we've been able to pet him when he's in the hayshed waiting for food, but he's not big on being picked up or held. I tried twice to get him into the kitty carrier this morning, and finally had to get Mom to help--and by then it took some coaxing to even get him to let us get close to him. Got him in the carrier & was afraid the door wasn't going to hold him. I had to carry it in my arms with a hand on the door to make sure he didn't get it twisted open....he rode quietly in the truck but when I got to the clinic I asked if they had a secure room where I could leave the carrier...I didn't want him getting loose in the waiting room!
I picked him up just after 2 and brought him's too cold out to leave him outside tonight and he's not used to being in the house at all, so I set the dog kennel (oversize!) up in the porch and put him in there. It's so big it takes up half the porch. Mr. Manx is not a happy cat. He's climbing the kennel walls, trying to dig himself out through the corner of it...I've covered it over with a blanket so it will be quiet for him in there, but that doesn't help much--now he's working at pulling the blanket into the kennel though one of the openings between the wires.
He is like a wild cat! Poor fellow, I feel sorry for him. Wish I could explain and convince him that this is all for his own good!
He's a pretty silver grey tabby with chest, underparts and legs all white--wish I had a photo I could post but there are none on this computer. He's the first manx we've ever had & I love those overly long hind legs and stumpy little tail!
Today was neuter day at the vet clinic....$35 instead of $80+ to get a cat neutered, Two or more is $30 each, but sadly I had only one to be done.

Mr. Manx went in at 8 this morning; he is a stray cat that has been coming here for food for the past year or so. In the last few months we've been able to pet him when he's in the hayshed waiting for food, but he's not big on being picked up or held. I tried twice to get him into the kitty carrier this morning, and finally had to get Mom to help--and by then it took some coaxing to even get him to let us get close to him. Got him in the carrier & was afraid the door wasn't going to hold him. I had to carry it in my arms with a hand on the door to make sure he didn't get it twisted open....he rode quietly in the truck but when I got to the clinic I asked if they had a secure room where I could leave the carrier...I didn't want him getting loose in the waiting room!
I picked him up just after 2 and brought him's too cold out to leave him outside tonight and he's not used to being in the house at all, so I set the dog kennel (oversize!) up in the porch and put him in there. It's so big it takes up half the porch. Mr. Manx is not a happy cat. He's climbing the kennel walls, trying to dig himself out through the corner of it...I've covered it over with a blanket so it will be quiet for him in there, but that doesn't help much--now he's working at pulling the blanket into the kennel though one of the openings between the wires.
He is like a wild cat! Poor fellow, I feel sorry for him. Wish I could explain and convince him that this is all for his own good!
He's a pretty silver grey tabby with chest, underparts and legs all white--wish I had a photo I could post but there are none on this computer. He's the first manx we've ever had & I love those overly long hind legs and stumpy little tail!
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