The fun really began on Thursday evening when Amy, known as Pup-Zilla had to have a bath. She stunk and seeing how she loves to sleep with people and stink up our bedding, a regular bathing is required and not up for discussion. Problem is that Amy hates a bath. It takes two people to drag her down the hallway snarling and then more help to get her in the tub and make her stay in there. Bathing Amy is a chore that comes under the heading of "nightmare" for all involved. It's one of those things where you have to hurry up because there is no real holding her down in the tub when she's slippery and full of suds and if you don't hurry, she'll pee in the tub too just because........ I put her in a nice clean tee shirt after her bath and she was all ready for bed.
I woke up Friday morning freezing. No heat in the house. Seems somebody around here forgot to keep an eye on it and let the gas run out. So I call to order more, only to be told they will put my name on the list and get to me by Monday or Tuesday. Not an option! We are dead out of gas now and we need it now. There is a little snow coming in for the weekend and temps are supposed to drop into the twenties so we really need it fast. They said they would try but would not promise; we have to wait our turn. Ok so we could bundle up in here but I'm worried about the birds; Michaels' little parakeet Scooter and his cocketeil Ace; so I wrapped a big blanket around their cages and hoped that would help them stay warm. I'm not at all concerned for Pup-Zilla; heck, she'll just rip the bed covers off of any bed she pleases and make herself comfortable. Amy's resourceful.
Next I go outside to feed the horses breakfast and it begins to drizzle. Ok it's only a little drizzle so after breakfast I let the horses out in the drizzle while I clean the barn. I can hear Amy screaming inside because I didn't let her come with me because I didn't want her to get dirty. I return to the house and walk her on the leash so she can do her thing and return her to the house so she can continue to scream if she so desires. No, not separation anxiety, just spoiled bad puppy wanting to get out and chase cats. She's obcessed with chasing cats and I mean obcessed with them. She watches them from the window and plots her moves.Then she goes nuts at the door trying to convince you she has to potty when it's just a ploy for you to let her out to tree cats. But she does have separation anxiety from her basketball that she killed. She left it out in the field someplace. Anyhow, I put the horses usual hay out in the dry lot thinking they won't die of drizzle. Sonny made a huge wreck out of his stall so I got tied up having to strip it. What I didn't notice while I was working in his stall was that the drizzle was turning into rain and the temps were dropping. By noon it was raining on and off and all the horses had retreated back into the islway of the barn so they could be under foot of course while I"m trying to work, relentlessly checking my pockets for treats. Actually, they were mauling me. They sure know where the treats are.I have to quit putting them in my pockets. I went around brushing and trying to towel dry all of with a bunch of beach towels. The baby girls love getting toweled off and I couldn't get rid of them. They kept shoving each other aside like "do me next, do me next" so I would keep rubbing the towel on them back and forth. They're cute. In the midst of all that, I forgot the farrier was coming today and she shows up in the driveway. I canceled my plans to grocery shop, do laundry, clean the house, and instead we did feet trims. We're down to Raisin Bran and jelly beans so what the heck. I love farrier day more than grocery shopping. I'll just order a pizza.
By now it's late afternoon and I'm still on the phone begging the gas company to send me that gas already. Finally here it came and the truck went flying right by my house. We can't let him get away so Dan jumps in my truck and chase him down, blowing the horn and flashing lights and finally he gets the idea and pulls over. Follows him back to the house and finally we finally got gas. Now I'm happy with one less problem.
The next morning I woke up to a nice warm house, Amy breathing doggybadbreath in my face, looked out my window and there was water gushing down the hill and it was pouring down rain. It must have rained all night long and it's really coming down hard. I head out to the barn and take one look inside and the isleway is flooded. It's underwater. What the heck happened? One of our run off ditches must have over flowed and just busted loose like a dam and the water went right into the barn. It was on the "to do" list to get a culvert pipe put in there but somehow we just never got "aroundtuit"..... Those ditches are supposed to get maintained with the little tractor and well.....nobody did it for months, so kaboom......they got full and weak and then busted loose. Enter, the Mighty River Amazon running through the barn. Crap. The horses were looking over their stall doors at the river running past like "we're not stepping in that I hope you know" sort of look .Amy of course is screaming and barking her head off as usual "I wanna come out" "Let me outta here now" but turning her loose to wallow in said muddy river and playing in rain was not an option. Lucky for me Dan had two days off from work so I'd get him to help me out of this mess. Back to the house I go to get Dan up and walk Amy on the leash in the stupid rain to potty trying to keep her on the grass in the yard so she won't get mud on her feet. Misson accomplished, and next I got the mud-hog pump out of the garage and proceeded to pump the water out of there, while Dan got out the little tractor and tried to fix the problem on the outside all in the rain of course. Then I heard that well known "bang" and here came Guess Who like a herd of elephants bouncing, leaping, loping, galloping, through the river in the barn.Thanks Dan for not shutting both back doors! Amy can body slam against the outside door and open it, which apparently she did. Needless to say, Pup-Zilla joined us in our big muddy adventure had the time of her life romping in the river, running up and down the muddy fields hunting for cats and doing whatever else insane things she does. OK I"m cold, I'm wet, I'm tired and my back is giving me fits but I'm going to find some humor in all this somehow. The rain was finally letting up a little bit so that helped. Joy. The Love Child loves to play in the mud like a two year old so he was having a blast. I was not amused but I'm glad the stalls were high because they stayed dry and water didn't get into the tack room either; it just gushed into the middle part of the barn where the low spot was.
Now I"m on the phone ordering a load of chat for my isleway. I got the rock quarry right before they closed at noon and they were still hauling rock and gravel. The guy can't believe I want a load of wet chat delivered but I insisted I knew what I was doing. The isleway needed to be built up anyhow and the chat would also help sop up the mud, wet or dry it would work.YAY. Got that load of chat and Dan spent a couple of hours dragging the chat in the barn with the little tractor and leveled it all up real nice. It looks good too and was something I was going to do anyhow. Amy was over loaded with mud from head to paw, every inch of her but all she got was towel dried off because Dan disappeared on me after that in a timely manner. She really stunk awful bad this time. More than usual. Feel my joy. Smelly wet dog and mud tracks all over the house. Nothing new. I have three mops plus a swiffer for such fun time events.
And so Friday night, sometime after mid-nite here came the snow and the temps dropped as promised. We had about 3 inches of the blasted stuff on Saturday morning and it snowed until around noon. Pup-Zilla loved it of course and played snow puppy while I cleaned the barn, and spent a good 45 minutes grooming upon Sonny from head to toe until I got worn out with it. The minis went out to play around in the snow but Sonny was not moving of that stall for nothing. I changed his blanket over to his stable sheet and he was happy as a clam staying inside eating hay thinking those minis are stupid for going outside in that nasty white wet junk.
We finally had a nice sunny day today and temps were in the middle 40's which gave the horses a wonderful opportunity to roll in any area of melted snow now turned to mud as they could capture and grind into their winter hair coats. More joy. I'm elated. Needless to say, I had quite a groom fest in the barn today which lasted for hours. Almost everyone got their tails conditioned and most were put up the old fashioned way in kid size tube socks fastened with diaper pins and everyone got new scrunchies in their forelocks. I show-sheened until the cows came home, washed nostrils and cleaned out eyes and got manes back to flowing for the time being anyhow. It just never ceases to amaze me that all these hours of hard work can all get undone in a split second. Amy treed two cats in record time so she was proud of herself. She also retrieved her dead basketball from the big pasture and carried it everywhere she went. I'm thinking I can throw it in the bathtub and see if she'll chase after it in there.
To date I think I can sleep for a week. I only got two loads of laundry done, the house is still a mess, Amy never got another bath, and I still haven't made it to the grocery store, but you know that just sometimes, somethings are just not worth worrying about. I guess for dinner we'll have a round of Raisin Bran and jelly beans. Carpe Diem.
Amy and her killed basketball
Chat in the isleway
I woke up Friday morning freezing. No heat in the house. Seems somebody around here forgot to keep an eye on it and let the gas run out. So I call to order more, only to be told they will put my name on the list and get to me by Monday or Tuesday. Not an option! We are dead out of gas now and we need it now. There is a little snow coming in for the weekend and temps are supposed to drop into the twenties so we really need it fast. They said they would try but would not promise; we have to wait our turn. Ok so we could bundle up in here but I'm worried about the birds; Michaels' little parakeet Scooter and his cocketeil Ace; so I wrapped a big blanket around their cages and hoped that would help them stay warm. I'm not at all concerned for Pup-Zilla; heck, she'll just rip the bed covers off of any bed she pleases and make herself comfortable. Amy's resourceful.
Next I go outside to feed the horses breakfast and it begins to drizzle. Ok it's only a little drizzle so after breakfast I let the horses out in the drizzle while I clean the barn. I can hear Amy screaming inside because I didn't let her come with me because I didn't want her to get dirty. I return to the house and walk her on the leash so she can do her thing and return her to the house so she can continue to scream if she so desires. No, not separation anxiety, just spoiled bad puppy wanting to get out and chase cats. She's obcessed with chasing cats and I mean obcessed with them. She watches them from the window and plots her moves.Then she goes nuts at the door trying to convince you she has to potty when it's just a ploy for you to let her out to tree cats. But she does have separation anxiety from her basketball that she killed. She left it out in the field someplace. Anyhow, I put the horses usual hay out in the dry lot thinking they won't die of drizzle. Sonny made a huge wreck out of his stall so I got tied up having to strip it. What I didn't notice while I was working in his stall was that the drizzle was turning into rain and the temps were dropping. By noon it was raining on and off and all the horses had retreated back into the islway of the barn so they could be under foot of course while I"m trying to work, relentlessly checking my pockets for treats. Actually, they were mauling me. They sure know where the treats are.I have to quit putting them in my pockets. I went around brushing and trying to towel dry all of with a bunch of beach towels. The baby girls love getting toweled off and I couldn't get rid of them. They kept shoving each other aside like "do me next, do me next" so I would keep rubbing the towel on them back and forth. They're cute. In the midst of all that, I forgot the farrier was coming today and she shows up in the driveway. I canceled my plans to grocery shop, do laundry, clean the house, and instead we did feet trims. We're down to Raisin Bran and jelly beans so what the heck. I love farrier day more than grocery shopping. I'll just order a pizza.
By now it's late afternoon and I'm still on the phone begging the gas company to send me that gas already. Finally here it came and the truck went flying right by my house. We can't let him get away so Dan jumps in my truck and chase him down, blowing the horn and flashing lights and finally he gets the idea and pulls over. Follows him back to the house and finally we finally got gas. Now I'm happy with one less problem.
The next morning I woke up to a nice warm house, Amy breathing doggybadbreath in my face, looked out my window and there was water gushing down the hill and it was pouring down rain. It must have rained all night long and it's really coming down hard. I head out to the barn and take one look inside and the isleway is flooded. It's underwater. What the heck happened? One of our run off ditches must have over flowed and just busted loose like a dam and the water went right into the barn. It was on the "to do" list to get a culvert pipe put in there but somehow we just never got "aroundtuit"..... Those ditches are supposed to get maintained with the little tractor and well.....nobody did it for months, so kaboom......they got full and weak and then busted loose. Enter, the Mighty River Amazon running through the barn. Crap. The horses were looking over their stall doors at the river running past like "we're not stepping in that I hope you know" sort of look .Amy of course is screaming and barking her head off as usual "I wanna come out" "Let me outta here now" but turning her loose to wallow in said muddy river and playing in rain was not an option. Lucky for me Dan had two days off from work so I'd get him to help me out of this mess. Back to the house I go to get Dan up and walk Amy on the leash in the stupid rain to potty trying to keep her on the grass in the yard so she won't get mud on her feet. Misson accomplished, and next I got the mud-hog pump out of the garage and proceeded to pump the water out of there, while Dan got out the little tractor and tried to fix the problem on the outside all in the rain of course. Then I heard that well known "bang" and here came Guess Who like a herd of elephants bouncing, leaping, loping, galloping, through the river in the barn.Thanks Dan for not shutting both back doors! Amy can body slam against the outside door and open it, which apparently she did. Needless to say, Pup-Zilla joined us in our big muddy adventure had the time of her life romping in the river, running up and down the muddy fields hunting for cats and doing whatever else insane things she does. OK I"m cold, I'm wet, I'm tired and my back is giving me fits but I'm going to find some humor in all this somehow. The rain was finally letting up a little bit so that helped. Joy. The Love Child loves to play in the mud like a two year old so he was having a blast. I was not amused but I'm glad the stalls were high because they stayed dry and water didn't get into the tack room either; it just gushed into the middle part of the barn where the low spot was.
Now I"m on the phone ordering a load of chat for my isleway. I got the rock quarry right before they closed at noon and they were still hauling rock and gravel. The guy can't believe I want a load of wet chat delivered but I insisted I knew what I was doing. The isleway needed to be built up anyhow and the chat would also help sop up the mud, wet or dry it would work.YAY. Got that load of chat and Dan spent a couple of hours dragging the chat in the barn with the little tractor and leveled it all up real nice. It looks good too and was something I was going to do anyhow. Amy was over loaded with mud from head to paw, every inch of her but all she got was towel dried off because Dan disappeared on me after that in a timely manner. She really stunk awful bad this time. More than usual. Feel my joy. Smelly wet dog and mud tracks all over the house. Nothing new. I have three mops plus a swiffer for such fun time events.
And so Friday night, sometime after mid-nite here came the snow and the temps dropped as promised. We had about 3 inches of the blasted stuff on Saturday morning and it snowed until around noon. Pup-Zilla loved it of course and played snow puppy while I cleaned the barn, and spent a good 45 minutes grooming upon Sonny from head to toe until I got worn out with it. The minis went out to play around in the snow but Sonny was not moving of that stall for nothing. I changed his blanket over to his stable sheet and he was happy as a clam staying inside eating hay thinking those minis are stupid for going outside in that nasty white wet junk.
We finally had a nice sunny day today and temps were in the middle 40's which gave the horses a wonderful opportunity to roll in any area of melted snow now turned to mud as they could capture and grind into their winter hair coats. More joy. I'm elated. Needless to say, I had quite a groom fest in the barn today which lasted for hours. Almost everyone got their tails conditioned and most were put up the old fashioned way in kid size tube socks fastened with diaper pins and everyone got new scrunchies in their forelocks. I show-sheened until the cows came home, washed nostrils and cleaned out eyes and got manes back to flowing for the time being anyhow. It just never ceases to amaze me that all these hours of hard work can all get undone in a split second. Amy treed two cats in record time so she was proud of herself. She also retrieved her dead basketball from the big pasture and carried it everywhere she went. I'm thinking I can throw it in the bathtub and see if she'll chase after it in there.
To date I think I can sleep for a week. I only got two loads of laundry done, the house is still a mess, Amy never got another bath, and I still haven't made it to the grocery store, but you know that just sometimes, somethings are just not worth worrying about. I guess for dinner we'll have a round of Raisin Bran and jelly beans. Carpe Diem.
Amy and her killed basketball

Chat in the isleway

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