Little Wolf Ranch
Well-Known Member
After we lost our filly due to the red bag delivery, we were VERY upset. I had already planned on breeding my other two mares once Missy foaled and came into her foal heat so all three girls would be due at the same time. I played with my boys and girls and while it made me feel better, you can't replace a little one that you lost.
I got online and started browsing LIL BEGINNINGS SALESBOARD as I do on a daily basis to see what is being offered - I just can't refuse a great deal on a horse. I didn't find anything I particularly liked so I decided to browse a farms website just to see what they had for sale. Afterall, I did purchase a '08 model colt and a '08 model filly back in December 2008 and was so very pleased with the service I got as well as the quality horses I was able to purchase from this farm and I wanted to see if they had anything available of good quality.
Starting looking on their for sale page and I just about had a heartattack! The '08 model colt's mother, whom I adored when I saw her in person when I went to pick the colt and filly up, was FOR SALE. I immediately e-mailed her, got excellent service again and was able to send her the payments for her to be mine. The only bad side is I can't bring her home until August as she foaled a beautiful bay overo colt April 26th that I decided to let her keep and pass on - afterall I own his beautiful maternal half brother! I can't wait to get her home!!!
Sooo. . .Introducing "BROKEN ARROW'S HALFBREED" a beautiful AMHR registered LWO negative Black Splash Overo 1995 Model Experienced Brood Mare standing at 37.5" who has two ice blue eyes! To top it off. . .she is being bred to a GORGEOUS AMHR Bay Frame Overo 33" stallion for a 2011 foal!! I am so very thrilled with this mare! She is a producer of LOUD overos with blue eyes and all her foals have matured 33 inches and under! She foals easily, naturally and has never needed assistance. To top it off even another notch - SHE IS TRAINED TO RIDE! This means she will also get to work as a lesson horse for our younger riders here at the farm who are too afraid/young to ride my QH! This mare has so many perks!
I love her so much and you should see her MOVE. She has very nice knee action and her foals (including my little man Azul) have gorgeous heads and necks with knee action perfect for driving! We are tickled pink with her and so now this means we should be expecting FOUR beautiful Miniature foals for 2011!
Pictures absolutely DO NOT do her justice. Her head is so elegant in an Arabian halter! Can you tell I am estatic? LOL
I got online and started browsing LIL BEGINNINGS SALESBOARD as I do on a daily basis to see what is being offered - I just can't refuse a great deal on a horse. I didn't find anything I particularly liked so I decided to browse a farms website just to see what they had for sale. Afterall, I did purchase a '08 model colt and a '08 model filly back in December 2008 and was so very pleased with the service I got as well as the quality horses I was able to purchase from this farm and I wanted to see if they had anything available of good quality.
Starting looking on their for sale page and I just about had a heartattack! The '08 model colt's mother, whom I adored when I saw her in person when I went to pick the colt and filly up, was FOR SALE. I immediately e-mailed her, got excellent service again and was able to send her the payments for her to be mine. The only bad side is I can't bring her home until August as she foaled a beautiful bay overo colt April 26th that I decided to let her keep and pass on - afterall I own his beautiful maternal half brother! I can't wait to get her home!!!
Sooo. . .Introducing "BROKEN ARROW'S HALFBREED" a beautiful AMHR registered LWO negative Black Splash Overo 1995 Model Experienced Brood Mare standing at 37.5" who has two ice blue eyes! To top it off. . .she is being bred to a GORGEOUS AMHR Bay Frame Overo 33" stallion for a 2011 foal!! I am so very thrilled with this mare! She is a producer of LOUD overos with blue eyes and all her foals have matured 33 inches and under! She foals easily, naturally and has never needed assistance. To top it off even another notch - SHE IS TRAINED TO RIDE! This means she will also get to work as a lesson horse for our younger riders here at the farm who are too afraid/young to ride my QH! This mare has so many perks!
I love her so much and you should see her MOVE. She has very nice knee action and her foals (including my little man Azul) have gorgeous heads and necks with knee action perfect for driving! We are tickled pink with her and so now this means we should be expecting FOUR beautiful Miniature foals for 2011!
Pictures absolutely DO NOT do her justice. Her head is so elegant in an Arabian halter! Can you tell I am estatic? LOL

EDITED TO ADD: I need to come up with a barn name for her and haven't had any ideas? I can't imagine myself walking outside and calling her "Halfbreed" which is her current name. Suggestions very much welcomed!

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