New baby born this morning and I can't get near it!!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2003
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Capon Bridge, WV
My maiden mare finally foaled early this morning. I missed it!!! Baby is solid white with a black head, big star & snip. Mom wasn't handled a whole lot before I got her. She's come a long, long way with allowing me to handle her. Had settled down alot. Well....she won't let me near the baby. Herds baby into a corner and tries to kick me. Actually brushed my cheek with her hoof once and kicked me in the hand another time. Tried to halter the mare and when that didn't work, tried to get her out of the stall so I could dry/blanket baby and treat it's stump. That didn't work either. We are at an impasse! Baby hasn't nursed and is shivering and wet. Decided to leave the barn so she wouldn't be so nervous and let "nature take it's course". I don't want baby to get hurt or me either.

Just checked on camera and it looks like baby is trying to nurse and mare is standing.

I don't know if it's a colt or filly!!! Might have a blue eye, but it's still dark and even with lights at the barn, can't get close to baby to see. It might be a filly as I haven't seen a ding-a-ling hanging down. Looks like it's mama as she is also all white with a black head. Tiny little baby!!

I want to play with the baby and put a blanket on it (her?). It's 40 degrees in the barn so not totally freezing. It's supposed to get into the 70's today. I also need to clean the stall. Patience.....I need patience!!! Me going into the stall did nothing but upset the mare. She totally freaked. I've never had a mom with a new baby like this. Me being down there just upsets her worse. It's best that I stay away and give them some time.

:new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked: I can't stand it!!!
Yikes, that is upsetting!
I think you are right in leaving them alone for now-- as you said, there's no point in you getting hurt, and the mare is just too freaked out to allow you near the foal right now. Maybe if you can sit quietly outside the stall and just observe but don't try to handle either mare or foal, she will realize that you aren't trying to steal her baby? For now just get some rest, and congratulations on your new foal, good luck!
We have had this in big mares,

One mare we had did the same thing sept that she wasnt aggressive towards us, but would herd baby away and seemed really afraid of us being near baby. We came to the conclusion also that leaving them alone was the best option, and 3 days later she came up and besically said - ok your allowed now - and she was fine after that. We bred this mare a few times after that, and she never changed, we gave her her 3 days and all was well.

We had another mare once (big horse) who we had kept on someone elses property, she foaled down well and was in a small yard, foal was fine & suckling but mare wouldnt let us within 200metres. we told the people to keep her in the yard until she was settled but they "felt sorry for her" so let her out - the day she foaled :ugh:. she ran with the foal all night and he developed joint ill and septicemia. :new_let_it_all_out:

The foal did pull through and went on to be sound for riding, but it was a tough battle and we never really forgave the people for not listening to us!

Sorry was off topic... lol Hope your mare calms down for you and lets you atleast see what sex it is!!! look forward to pic's!!
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Telling the sex of the foal is easy *cough*

You just wait until it has a wee!! A friend has had a couple that were *boys* for a week or so as she couldn't get near them (non-friendly paddock mares that foaled in a herd). I ended up sitting out in the paddock under a tree for a couple of hours til I observed them wee, and yes they were girls.
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It is no longer an IT!!!!

:aktion033: [SIZE=18pt]IT IS A FILLY!!!![/SIZE] :aktion033:

I tricked mom and opened the back door to the stall and mom went into the pen. Was able to dry & blanket FILLY, treat her stump and clean the stall. Filly is nursing very well now!!! Mom is still a nervous wreck!!! Will have pix soon. I am in love already with this little girl!! Hopefully mom will settle down in a couple of days and let me play with her baby.
Well done and congratulations. Now, does mom have a favorite treat or a place she loves to be scratched? My Keesha was this way with each foal at first. I would get a short riding crop but you can use anything about 20" and enter and immediately scritch and then she's close her eyes and love it. The foal would come close for stump check and love. Only lasts a few days, you just talk to mom and tell her great job and you mean no harm. Glad she's nursing, the maidens have a rough time sometimes.
ADDED - I just saw your last comment as mine was being posted so my suggestion is not needed now.

Is there any way you can let the mare & foal walk directly into another area until you clean the stall? If you are lucky you can jump in between them & catch the foal to treat the cord but I'm sure that foal & mama are going to stick together like velcro......You need a high sided stall as that mare will try to jump over to get

to the foal. If you could catch & tie the mare at that point, would be safer for her.

Watch for normal signs of poop. If it is a colt it most likely will need an enema (sp) . Our experience has been that colts tend to get stopped up easier than fillies. Even most fillies need this also..Best of luck to you.
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My camera batteries died. Have some on the charger now. Soon as I can get even a little bit of a charge, I will post pix! I think she has 2 blue eyes!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your new filly! I hope it all works out well for you, and that the mare soon calms down and trusts you. Good Luck!

Awww, just saw the pics...what a little DOLL BABY!!
She is adorable! Looks like she has attitude too. :bgrin

Congratulations on your new filly and I'm glad to read you could get pictures and she is nursing. Just leave them alone for a couple of days and things will change. Just go as far as the mare will let you without getting upset or herding the baby away from you. It will change, I've had one like her and in a few days you won't know if happened like this. BTW, the filly is lovely, lucky you.

Congratulations! :aktion033: :aktion033: She's adorable!
: Sounds like the mare is going to be a good mom! :bgrin
What a cute pair they make! She's really cute. Glad you were finally able to take care of business now just relax and take it slow. I'm sure she will come around. Maybe you can feed her grain while holding the bowl. Get her use to you and not see you as a threat to her new baby. Hope it all goes well. Joyce
AWWWW she is just too cute!!!! Sure does look like mom and her are a matched set.

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