Congrats on your new baby. I do hope things work out well.
I can share a little experiance with an early foal. On March 21, we had a filly born at 280 days. Yes 280. She was up right away, but very lax tendons. Her front legs almost bent backwards. We measured he at the butt because that was the highest part at 16 inches. She had a little trouble nursing for a day and was low on the IGG. We got colostrum and brought it up to a good level. We have kept her stalled in a small stall and blanketed. She has improved considerably. The legs straightened and then about day 9 seemed to bow. I called my vet out and they brought the exray machine. It showed the bone in the knees starting to form. So we need to keep her confined for a few weeks so not to damage the soft cartledge. The vet says he has seen exrays that show no bone at in the knee area. It takes a little time for them to form. She needs to catch up to her birth date. Her legs look perfectly straight now, but we still need to give her a little time to not put much stress on them. She is still able to kick and buck and run circles around her mom even in the small space. We keep lots of straw in there to keep the stress down on the legs. I try not to spend too much time in there because she wants to show off and play, but I know she shouldn't just yet. The knee bones will form quickly, but if the cartlege gets damaged they will not form properly.
I am so sorry you have such a heartless vet!
As for your picture.. Sometimes the camera can really distort things. I have taken pics that look like the horse is all head and no body. I would love to see more pics.