New Hampshire

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Whoever is doing the snow dance, KNOCK IT OFF!!!!

Enough already!

Snow is above the windows in the house and Larry is running out of room to put the snow.

Something like 80 inches and more coming Friday and Sat! This stuff will still be here in July! :DOH!
That's one of the main reasons we do not live in NH any more.

Sorry Bonnie.

Though have to admit... been getting rather nostalgic about that part of the US. Missing all the family I have over that way. Miss going to the white mountiains,,going to the sugar shacks, loved Concord.....


Stay warm!!!!

Lewiston had 102 inches before this snow storm Tuesday which gave us about 10 inches.

Bangor 90 inches before this week.

Portland has even more than Lewiston.

Not even talking about the mountains and ski slopes.

We're getting 6 more inches Friday/Saturday.

5 foot snow banks up my driveway. The barn has even taller banks.

I am depressed from lack of sun this year because we've pretty much had 2 storms a week. Been too cloudy.
:arg! :arg! :arg! NO MORE ! Please God! I am so tired of snow its become a BAD 4 letter word. I want spring! There is some hope though most of the horses I have been shoeing are losing hair and acting february stupid, and I have watched several flocks of geese flying north. [i think they might be confused though]! Linda
That's just ONE of the reasons we are looking to move and I cant even imagine what mud season will be like with all this snow. They are already predicting Spring flooding near the rivers as the snow melts. Water table should surely be UP once all this is added.
I'm with the rest of you New England folks.....I am so lookig forward to mud season and black flies. Just don't remind me I wished for it when i am neck deep in mud, LOL.

The mini's can put thier necks over the fence now, and I have them in the 5' round pen fencing. I am NOT looking forward to more snow tomorrow night.
I want spring to I'll take the MUD and the Black Flies too! ..... I have so much snow you can't see the Fences and the horses, have been in for 3 weeks. My barn is flooded and the walk way but my stalls are dry... Poor horses... Have not had this much snow for a long time....FRED we may need to post-pone farrier visit til April.... I'll call you this weekend! :DOH!
I'm with you all - NO MORE SNOW!

The weather report says 3-7 inches tonight and 1-3 more tomorrow. I - can't - take - it - anymore...

We're supposed to drive down to the Driving Forum in West Springfield tomorrow morning, so it's a double whammy - more snow, and we'll be lucky if we can get out of the driveway to get to our first fun outing in months and months and months...

(And here I was worried it would be sunny and warm, and we wouldn't want to spend the whole day indoors - HAH!)

There's no place else to put the snow, the horses' maze (aka their pen) is slowly shrinking, and it was 9 below here last night! Our whole yard looks like a big sand castle, with piles of white stuff everywhere...


All you folks in warmer climes: Send warm weather and sun to Springfield, Vermont!!!
So I guess you are mad at me because we have had 16 inches of snow this winter in MO...

Sorry I dont envy you all that snow!! I hope you can dig out soon...
Here too! I am so sick of snow, it's just dumping down in buckets! Seriously, almost every storm we've had has been 8" to a foot and we're getting our 19th
snowstorm today! This isn't counting the days that they predicted "snow showers" that ended up dumping 5+ inches on us! I CANNOT wait to leave Maine!

I'm with you...enough already! I think my son said that NH has now had it's 7th snowest winter...they went back pretty far in years too!

I'm ready to clip these little guys and find horses again and not bisons.
send it here! it's been in the high 70s already and only February!!! gonna be a LONG HOT SUMMER (we need a sweating smiley!!)

I'm with Susan on this one... Send some our way, we really need the moisture or pastures and crops will be in trouble this year. We are 50 above today, so not normal for March in MT.
Number 1 reason we don't live in states that get a lot of snow. It was upper 60's here today and just beautiful.
Sorry Bon, I'd send you some of this nice weather if I could. 'Course, when it's 100 here with 100% humidity this summer, you could send me some of your cooler weather!!


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