Active Member
I have been lurking for a couple of weeks now, and wow, what a lot of information, so glad I found this forum!
I am another one of those that never understood the mini horses, have had horses all my life, and my daughter started bothering me for one a few years ago, I said we weren't feeding anything that we couldn't ride!
I gave in last fall, she was going to an auction with a friend that has a mini mare (dd was 12) I have her a check and told her not to come home with anything that looked like a dwarf shetland (I had seen dwarves and didn't know what they were at the time, and I don't mean to insult anyone that has one, have learned a lot about them on the forum). She purchased a 3.5 year old mare that had been exposed (came with amha papers and a service memo). Anyway, once 'Chance' was here I figured out quickly why everyone is crazy about them, I compare her to a cross between a horse and a dog, and she won me over almost immediatly. She was apparently rasied 'right' is very affectionate, but has good manners, loves to be groomed get baths, is great with her feet , spray, everything we have done with her or to her.
On the fourth of July, she snuck off by herself (to my great panic, I had been watching her like a hawk) and had her first baby. A boy, we are calling him Indy (not sure what his registered name will be). I will have to look up how to post pics and get some up.
Anyway, been doing a lot of reading. Did go and visit a breeder last week and will probably be adding another horse or two. There is a show next week I will be going to , I had a cart for my ponies when I was a kid, and would kind of like to learn about driving (again).
Anyway that is a short, lol, intro, I will have a million questions, and I hope I don't drive you all crazy with them!

I am another one of those that never understood the mini horses, have had horses all my life, and my daughter started bothering me for one a few years ago, I said we weren't feeding anything that we couldn't ride!
I gave in last fall, she was going to an auction with a friend that has a mini mare (dd was 12) I have her a check and told her not to come home with anything that looked like a dwarf shetland (I had seen dwarves and didn't know what they were at the time, and I don't mean to insult anyone that has one, have learned a lot about them on the forum). She purchased a 3.5 year old mare that had been exposed (came with amha papers and a service memo). Anyway, once 'Chance' was here I figured out quickly why everyone is crazy about them, I compare her to a cross between a horse and a dog, and she won me over almost immediatly. She was apparently rasied 'right' is very affectionate, but has good manners, loves to be groomed get baths, is great with her feet , spray, everything we have done with her or to her.
On the fourth of July, she snuck off by herself (to my great panic, I had been watching her like a hawk) and had her first baby. A boy, we are calling him Indy (not sure what his registered name will be). I will have to look up how to post pics and get some up.
Anyway, been doing a lot of reading. Did go and visit a breeder last week and will probably be adding another horse or two. There is a show next week I will be going to , I had a cart for my ponies when I was a kid, and would kind of like to learn about driving (again).
Anyway that is a short, lol, intro, I will have a million questions, and I hope I don't drive you all crazy with them!