I have had type 1 diabetes for almost 20 years. I am having a devil of a time trying to get my blood sugar to stabilize - I wore a continuous glucose monitoring system for three days and the data chart looked more like the Himalaya Mountains. My A1Cs have yet to be near 7.0...I have been around a 9 for years.
The doctor has been playing with the settings on my pump but them my body does some odd stuff...I can eat an English muffin with the measured amount of butter and jam, take the correct amount of insulin to cover that and my current blood sugar and can get readings of 97 to 300 and I have not eaten anything else...
Actually had arguments with two former doctors who told me I was a "nut job" and "I was doing something wrong - the pump should give me good numbers."
We are trying a new injectable along with the pump - Simlyn in a pen. It seems to be leveling things out and a plus - it makes me feel full so I am hoping to drop a few pounds in the process. Doc said they are finding out that when the pancreas goes, insulin is not the only hormone that goes that is needed... "amlyn" is another one (not sure I spelled it right) and this hormone keeps you from digesting food too fast (doc thinks that might be part of my problem - quick and total digestion means dumping sugar into the bloodstream = high numbers. I'll try her theory out - it is better than being called a "nut job" by a doctor who was too busy to see me and always sent his med students in... my current endocrinologist is fantastic and wants to try all that she can to get me to a stable place.
Anyone else out there had any experience with this medication? Just wondering what you thought of it. I am two weeks on it - can live with the minor nausea for the chance to stabilize my sugars and lose some weight...
The doctor has been playing with the settings on my pump but them my body does some odd stuff...I can eat an English muffin with the measured amount of butter and jam, take the correct amount of insulin to cover that and my current blood sugar and can get readings of 97 to 300 and I have not eaten anything else...
We are trying a new injectable along with the pump - Simlyn in a pen. It seems to be leveling things out and a plus - it makes me feel full so I am hoping to drop a few pounds in the process. Doc said they are finding out that when the pancreas goes, insulin is not the only hormone that goes that is needed... "amlyn" is another one (not sure I spelled it right) and this hormone keeps you from digesting food too fast (doc thinks that might be part of my problem - quick and total digestion means dumping sugar into the bloodstream = high numbers. I'll try her theory out - it is better than being called a "nut job" by a doctor who was too busy to see me and always sent his med students in... my current endocrinologist is fantastic and wants to try all that she can to get me to a stable place.
Anyone else out there had any experience with this medication? Just wondering what you thought of it. I am two weeks on it - can live with the minor nausea for the chance to stabilize my sugars and lose some weight...