Here is a couple more questions, since horses are so different then my cattle.
1. Do I need a hay net?
2. Do I put feed in container and put it on ground or should I raise it up, so he does not have to bend over so far??
3. how about snacks? apples, carrots, ?????
One thing to mention, horses seem to live by "Murphy's Law", if something can go wrong, often it will, so...
1. No, you don't need a hay net, and as the holes are rather large on most hay nets, a mini could potentially get a hoof hung up and hurt itself, so I'd probably pass on the hay net. [i've made a couple feed bunks for my minis out of 1x6s and 2x4s, just a ground level box essentially, it works decently, although, they do tend to toss the hay out to eat the leaves and small stuff that fall to the bottom. And, I also used a small cracked water tub for hay, Misty likes to stand in it while she eats.]
2. Just feed grain at ground level out of one of those nice feed pans (either the rubber or plastic work, the no-tip variety are nice, the kind I get are called "low pan", they are supposed to be no tip, but I have a couple that can tip them). Like this one at
3. As most minis are easy keepers, keep snacks to a minimum, but apples and carrots are both acceptable treats (sometimes they are an acquired taste), you'll have to cut up the apple and the carrot (unless you get the mini carrots, but even then you might want to cut in half length-wise).