Silver City Heritage Farmstead
Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
Help, help forum friends!! As of 1 January 2016, we are living on the property my husband gave me as my Mothers' Day gift last May. I'll post pictures of the travel trailer we're in (while we rehab the house) next week when I get my laptop found and unpacked.
In the meantime, I need input on a new-better-improved-maybe the same-farm name. I've a couple of reasons for why this has been on my mind: I've been fighting the disease of PROCRASTINATION since early in December....including "Wish" in the farm name bothers me now when it didn't before. I'm also finding that it's difficult for people to say and I hadn't anticipated that.
I chose Dragon's Wish because I like dragons-a whole bunch-and because having the miniatures is the fulfillment of a dream to own and train horses. However, the "Wish" part ties in too closely to procrastination. Matter of fact, I'm working on a poem entitled "Procrastination". One line addresses the fact that procrastination is insidious and pervasive. Others point out how many people and opportunities I've lost because of it.
So now I'd like to lose the "Wish" and gain something ACTIVE. Something easy to say, that's fairly short and yet attention grabbing.
Yes, that is a LOT to ask for. I'm asking for anyone who offers suggestions for free branding advice, I realize that. I also truly respect the opinions on this site more than any others. Generosity and a sense of e'sprit de corps (gaaah I hope I spelled that right!) is what makes everyone here so special. It makes it easier to ask for and give help.
What do we do here?
With the miniatures; education about horses in general and miniatures specifically. Pony parties. Community events. Training begins 1 February for therapy certification. Open and rated showing begins mid-summer. More education. I'm also working with the local Extension Office to start a 4-H program like Mary Adams' On Target farm has.
The farm; square-foot gardening. SPIN farming is being investigated as an income source. Like Paula, working toward an edible landscape, although as I've researched the black walnut issue (see question on main forum) adjustments will have to be made. I've always loved roses and bosai, so they're being worked in now.
Sheesh, guess that's enough for 2016! It doesn't even include working on the house!! (Insert the emoticon with a surprised O face and hands clapped to each cheek here.)
I appreciate any suggestions and am looking forward to sharing our journey with everyone here.

In the meantime, I need input on a new-better-improved-maybe the same-farm name. I've a couple of reasons for why this has been on my mind: I've been fighting the disease of PROCRASTINATION since early in December....including "Wish" in the farm name bothers me now when it didn't before. I'm also finding that it's difficult for people to say and I hadn't anticipated that.
I chose Dragon's Wish because I like dragons-a whole bunch-and because having the miniatures is the fulfillment of a dream to own and train horses. However, the "Wish" part ties in too closely to procrastination. Matter of fact, I'm working on a poem entitled "Procrastination". One line addresses the fact that procrastination is insidious and pervasive. Others point out how many people and opportunities I've lost because of it.
So now I'd like to lose the "Wish" and gain something ACTIVE. Something easy to say, that's fairly short and yet attention grabbing.
Yes, that is a LOT to ask for. I'm asking for anyone who offers suggestions for free branding advice, I realize that. I also truly respect the opinions on this site more than any others. Generosity and a sense of e'sprit de corps (gaaah I hope I spelled that right!) is what makes everyone here so special. It makes it easier to ask for and give help.
What do we do here?
With the miniatures; education about horses in general and miniatures specifically. Pony parties. Community events. Training begins 1 February for therapy certification. Open and rated showing begins mid-summer. More education. I'm also working with the local Extension Office to start a 4-H program like Mary Adams' On Target farm has.
The farm; square-foot gardening. SPIN farming is being investigated as an income source. Like Paula, working toward an edible landscape, although as I've researched the black walnut issue (see question on main forum) adjustments will have to be made. I've always loved roses and bosai, so they're being worked in now.
Sheesh, guess that's enough for 2016! It doesn't even include working on the house!! (Insert the emoticon with a surprised O face and hands clapped to each cheek here.)
I appreciate any suggestions and am looking forward to sharing our journey with everyone here.