I'm new to the driving part when it comes to horses and my mini is now at the age where she's eager to learn and tends to get bored without a "job". She'll be 2 this weekend so I'm thinking of starting at least the part of driving that doesn't involve a cart yet.
I've watched a few videos on YouTube regarding the training but since there are so many pros here I'd rather ask you
I've been doing groundwork with her, she whoa's perfectly, trots, canters and walks on command, changes direction, backs, yields hindquarters and leads well. I have attempted to ground drive her with a lead rope hooked up to each side of her nylon halter and she does good at times, other times she tends to swing her butt around to have me next to her so I think I will need to start that with someone leading her and me behind her first (?)
She's not easily spooked and desensitized to new objects very easy, she's curious and thinks she's way bigger than she is (about 31")
Any advice on where to get tack that's not too much in price (I plan on "upgrading later on, just need the basics to get started and don't plan on showing, I don't want to invest hundreds of $$$ as I just bought a new trailer and my hay storage is getting lower)?
Also is it too early to get her started in a bridle? What size/kind bit do you recommend?
What equipment is needed? There's so much put there it's overwhelming.
What size cart should I start looking for for later on when she's ready? I plan on getting a used one if I can find a decent one. What type of cart do you recommend?
Any proven techniques on how to get them started the best? Videos or books?
Sorry for all the questions and I'm sure they have been answered before but I haven't found anything in the search.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me )
I've watched a few videos on YouTube regarding the training but since there are so many pros here I'd rather ask you

I've been doing groundwork with her, she whoa's perfectly, trots, canters and walks on command, changes direction, backs, yields hindquarters and leads well. I have attempted to ground drive her with a lead rope hooked up to each side of her nylon halter and she does good at times, other times she tends to swing her butt around to have me next to her so I think I will need to start that with someone leading her and me behind her first (?)
She's not easily spooked and desensitized to new objects very easy, she's curious and thinks she's way bigger than she is (about 31")
Any advice on where to get tack that's not too much in price (I plan on "upgrading later on, just need the basics to get started and don't plan on showing, I don't want to invest hundreds of $$$ as I just bought a new trailer and my hay storage is getting lower)?
Also is it too early to get her started in a bridle? What size/kind bit do you recommend?
What equipment is needed? There's so much put there it's overwhelming.
What size cart should I start looking for for later on when she's ready? I plan on getting a used one if I can find a decent one. What type of cart do you recommend?
Any proven techniques on how to get them started the best? Videos or books?
Sorry for all the questions and I'm sure they have been answered before but I haven't found anything in the search.
Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me )