Active Member
Hello everyone! My name is Jean and I have recently been acquiring a few miniature horses to fulfill a lifelong dream of raising them. I have two 2 yr old Stallions, one 8 month old Stud Colt, 4 mares & two miniature Donkey Jennets. Some registered, some not. I intend to train the largest mare (36") to drive and one of the mares is due to foal in March or April. I have a few questions concerning registration.I am going to do this one question at a time so my posts wont be huge lol. I received temporary AMHA papers on one of the Stallions, he is very nice & correct & want to test breed him to my mares starting in April. What do I need to do to get him ready paperwork wise for breeding besides the obvious transfer to my name? I know at 3 he will get his permanent papers but can he be bred at 2 with temporary papers and the foals be eligible for registration etc... I just want to make sure I know what to have done so that I have no trouble registering his foals especially since I have a lady wanting to breed her mares to him. I do at some point, want to get involved with showing as well. I used to have a team of Shetland ponies that I trained to drive about 22 years ago and am really excited to get back into that. I have really missed it. I am knowledgeable about breeding as I used to raise AQHA & APHA horses, again, back in the day 8P. I am posting a picture of the stallion in question, AMHA Honey Creek Silver Bullet He is registered as Silver Dapple but I believe he is Silver Smoky Black & will be having him tested to see for sure. I have never seen a horse his color in person, he looks chocolate, even his skin and has a lot of silver in his tail. I does not come through in pictures & is hard to describe exactly. He is 30" tall.

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