Newbie from NC

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Jan 3, 2008
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Dallas NC
[SIZE=10pt]Hello all![/SIZE]

We are new to the forum and miniatures so be gentle.

We just got our first two minis and am looking for answers to a few questions. We have six full sized horses of our own and we have a boaring facility. So we have a total of 14 horses including the new minis. The minis will be very spoiled by everyone here. We got them free from some very kind hearted folks. However free comes at a price. They are both very frightened of being cought. Once we get our hands on them they settle down pretty quick.

We have a mare and a gelding no idea of their age (under 10 we were told) not regestered stock. The mare should be in foal we hope. She is going to be the biggest challenge. The gelding (black and white paint) we have had almost a week and have been doing some clicker trainig to de-synthatize him a bit ( he is very jumpy) He will approach us now and let us touch him all over. We got his feet trimmed a couple days ago and he did great! We just got the mare (Palamino)yesterday and she is not the touchy feely type so far
But I think she wil come along in time. We are very patient with problem horses and have rehabilitated quite a few over the years. We are looking forward to the new adventure with these little guys.

So is there a different approach to minis training wise? What suggestions do y'all have for mellowing out a little bundle of nerves? Any info would be helpfull.

Hi Dave!
I just wanted to welcome you to the board. I have no training advice as I'm learning a lot myself. There are Wonderful and helpful folks on here, I am so blessed to have found the forum!
Congrats on your two new minis! Do post pictures too.
welcome to the forum and minis from NJ

one bit of advise from someone just learning myself when they are timid

it does help to stoop down to their size with alot of them instead of standing

Greetings from Wilmington,NC!

I'm new to minis too, and I'm working with an untrained, spoiled, 10-year old mini mule (how do you say "Maybe bitten off more than she can chew?") I'd class Betsy's temperment as moderately high strung. In other words, under that seemingly stolid exterior lies a rapidly beating heart! One thing she has taught me is to always remember that I am taller than she is, and how scary I can be as a result. Try to keep your angle of approach as low as you reasonably can. I'm sure there are lots of others with oodles more experience with lots more advice, but that's a good place to start.
I would approach training/ trust issues the same as you would with a foal. Try just sitting on a bucket and let them approach you slowly, and take it from there. They have to find out that the "Boogy Man" won't eat them!!!!

Also, welcome to the forum from Texas... where everything is bigger, except for our minis.
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Thanks for the welcome!

I do use the 'be small' approach and it does seem to help. When I am working with them I will sit in a chair or get on my knees. They both are taking treats. We bought a TWH and a six week old colt on her side this past spring and he was wild as a buck! It took a few months but he is in your pocket now. Sweet Sweet Sweet! I just hope the age of the minis is not going to be a huge issue. They are so cute I just want to love on them now! :love

I will post some pics as soon as get some.
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What I have done with 100% success when I've had hard to catch minis is to separate them so that they are in pens by themselves for a period of time. I go out several times a day, catch them, pet them, work up to haltering them and leading them (handling them). If they are together, they will not start to look to you for "comfort" and companionship and it's way harder to catch two horses than one because they feed off each other's emotions and it just snowballs when they are afraid to be caught.

However, I would not separate these two from each other until they have had the chance to settle in to their new home with you.

Welcome to the world of minis! Many of us had / have big horses (me included) but the minis just can really capture your heart. When I got my first mini, I knew I'd love him but figured I could not ever enjoy minis as much as my big horses... Well, that was almost 10 years ago and now we have LOTS of minis and one fat, almost never ridden big horse
Welcome to the forum from WV!!
You've found a great place for info on minis. Lots of helpful folks here!!
I would be careful separating them, especially if they have never been separated. I have seen a horse get really hurt and one actually died at school when they were separated from their long time buddy. That said, eight years ago I was in your same boat. I got two colts that were four months old and never ever been touched until they were loaded onto our trailer. Their parents hadn't been touched, no one was halter broken, etc. I spent that entire summer in a lawn chair in their pasture reading a book and watching them. Eventually their curious minds brought them to me and that is when I would try to pet/brush/kiss/etc. I would also mess with them at meal times and when they were in their barn for the night. They were never separated and I didn't have a problem.


P.S. Welcome from Chesapeake, VA
Wow !!! Welcome Dave. You happen to be in just the right place. The East Coast Miniature Horse

Club has a lot of members in your area. My husband and I are from Mt. Pleasant NC. I invite you to

visit our clubs web site at East Coast Miniature Horse Club Link On our

Member directory you will find many members in your area and links to their web pages and e-mails

Feel Free to call on or e-mail any of them. I am sure they woudl love to share their love of this

little horse. You can also get some advise on how to friendly up your little guys. We are also having a club meeting in Durham the 19th of Jan. We would love to meet you so please come if you will. Send me your e-mail addy and I

will add you to our mailings so you can get all the information about what is happening in your area that concerns miniatures. We often have fun shows, and clinics. We have had several meetings at local

farms also. We will also be having a hugh sanctioned AMHR and AMHA show in April. My e-mail is [email protected] . We are looking forward to meeting you

and your new horses.
[SIZE=10pt]Great advice from all! [/SIZE]

As far as seperating these guys it should not be an issue We just introduced them to each other two days ago. We got them from different places. They do feed off of each other but we will working with them one on one so they will bond with us as well as each other. They are in large stall together to ge aquainted.They get along just great, just a couple of squeals and that was it. However they will be put in seperate stalls next to each other soon. They will still be able to see each other and get to sniff noses between the panels. I know how insecure horses are without a companion. Thanks again for the advice and the warm reception! ....Dave
Welcome from Columbia, Missouri- Home of the Missouri Tigers!! Winners of the 2008 Cottonbowl!!

I am new to minis, since Sept and they are the best!!

So lovable and mine isnt a scaredy cat like my Thoroughbred..

I love all horses actually..

This forum is the best place to be to learn new things and we all are a very caring bunch of people...

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