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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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At the barn where I have to ride a short distance (maybe 10 minutes) on the road to the trail head. I always stay off to the side of the road leaving plenty of room for drivers. So why do they feel the need to race right up behind my horse going at least 80 km/hour swerve around her and ZOOM off as they pass me?

There is plenty of road for the both of us, do they really need to pass that closely? Or how about my favorites ones, the ones that race up behind me and HONK and then drive off. If Ferrah wasn't such a quiet, steady horse, I'd be a smear on the pavement for sure.

And I just had my ultimate one the other day. A car passes by slowly, at LEAST folur times. They passed nice and slow four separate times. On the fifth time they zoomed past and threw ROCKS out their window at me and my horse. None hit Ferrah, but they sure freaked me out. I took the liscense plate number, but I am still not toally sure what I am going to do with it.

I have taken to leading Ferrah to the trail head rather than riding her because I would rather not get roadrash. I wish people would have some respect for people and horses on the road, they could cause a serious accident.

Thanks for letting me express some frustration!
I'd report the rock throwers to the police. That's dangerous no matter whether there's a horse or not. I know it Florida horses have the right of way so mabye that can help you out too if it's the same where you live.
Drivers can be so ignorant around horses. A neighbor here was riding a young horse one evening last fall, coming home along the road and a truck went by with a couple kids in it. The fools threw a firecracker out the window at his horse! He saw them throw something, then heard it whistling so he knew what it was. Luckily it fell well short of the horse & didn't amount to much of a bang and his horse handled it okay.
thats just awful

its getting like that here in Ireland, were they have absolutely no idea how to pass a horse on the road. My horse is pretty much bomb proof on the road but i always think is today the day.

i hack with a friend alot of the time and like you we used to walk well in on the side of the road but the traffic just seems to think its more room for them to go faster, so now we ride in the middle of the road making the traffic slow down and when they do this we pull over and let them past and always wave a thank you, it seems to work better this way.

just my experience


I live in NH, where horses have the right of way.... I also live in a rural area, lots of dirt roads with 25 MPH speed limits. That still does not stop people from doing the same things to me. I don't understand.....people who walk their dogs, joggers and cyclists all stay on the road, and we get off. I don't want to be run over.....makes sense to me. People swerve, holler and honk (my favorite). Oh, then there's the people who let their dogs out when they see us coming. Big, obnoxious snarling dogs. Yeah, ha-ha, REAL FUNNY. So, I now just report it to the police. A couple kids DROVE OFF THE ROAD at me one day, and that was the last straw. I had never reported before then, didn't want to be a tattle-tail, but geez........I'm just trying to get along. LOL. So, I understand your frustration, but it does happen. Start getting plate numbers, and call the police. That's what their there for........good luck, and stay safe!

Goes back to my thought that people are idiots and no one has any manners at all anymore.
: We are having a ton of oil/gas well drilling around here so big truck and truck convoy traffic has exploded. These drivers find it fun to let their air brakes vent when alongside us. So, I dont ride my nut mare on the roadside ( we have 30-50' grass roadsides), I ride my 'I do not care!' mare LOL She will not jump and will glare at them, ears pinned.

Just love these nice polite country folk

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