I couldn't resist.
I was pulling weeds out of a field that I keep closed off and left the gate open figuring
I'd have some company before too long.
Due to the drought, the grass in this field has been croaked for months and gone to
ragweed, so none of the horses have been in there since last winter.
Well don't ask me why, but Noelle decided that a new field of ragweed is exciting and
she had that snort and blow thing going on for the longest time.
Guessing she couldn't control her tail.......Goofy girl!
I was pulling weeds out of a field that I keep closed off and left the gate open figuring
I'd have some company before too long.
Due to the drought, the grass in this field has been croaked for months and gone to
ragweed, so none of the horses have been in there since last winter.
Well don't ask me why, but Noelle decided that a new field of ragweed is exciting and
she had that snort and blow thing going on for the longest time.
Guessing she couldn't control her tail.......Goofy girl!