Well-Known Member
I have a two year old filly that had an accident 3 weeks ago and has now developed a bone sequestrum. The vet would like her initial wound to heal up more before he performs surgery and is also waiting to see if possibly it will reattach to the parent bone. Problem is she was starting not to want to walk on it anymore and was having difficulty getting up after laying down. I was told to give her 1/2 gram Bute for two days then lower it to 1/4 gram once a day. We are on day 4 of Bute and now I am concerned she may already be starting to show signs of ulcers. I started Gastrogard tonight but would really like to find something else for pain besides Bute or Banamine. Between the healing wound, the possible impending surgery, and/or the hopefully reattaching bone, what can be used safely for pain without causing other problems? Since the accident she has been on Uniprim and daily cleaning and re-dressing the wound which is looking great and has VERY little drainage now. I have heard from some that devils claw is good (have not researched it yet) for pain but wanted to hear from others in case there are other ideas. Thanks Guys!