normal poop!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2007
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Winchester, IL
for the first time in almost two weeks, red's poop is NORMAL!! road apples, we have road apples!!! no more diarrhea! woohooooo!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

only you guys would appreciate this. i can't call my mother and tell her the good news. she'd hang up on me. hubby knows i've been fighting this but he doesn't really know how important it is. he just sorta looks at me and smiles.

i don't know if it was the coconut macaroons, the pepto bismol, me picking up every dang acorn i can find, all of the above, or maybe he's finally settling in to life with tuffy and rebel but i don't give a hoot what the reason is. i'm just glad to see ROAD APPLES!!!
:aktion033: :aktion033: Hercules :aktion033: Hercules :aktion033:
:bgrin :lol: Congrats :aktion033: And good job, working so hard for Red, I bet he sure does appreciate it
: .

Ashley :saludando:
Only horse people would understand what normal poop means. I email a friend of mine and the subject is sometimes something like "such and such is pooping normally--yippee." Glad to hear yours is pooping normally. Means a lot!
Yup I can appreciate the value of horse apples too! Well done and it was most likely a combination of all 3 things. Those macaroon cookies work every time!
Don't you just love it when you can share "poop" stories with ohter horse people and we all get so excited! Doesn't it ever make you wonder why some of our "non-horsey family and friends" look at us like our elevators don't go all the way to the top?I just love it when I hear "Poop"success stories.I know it has relieved Mini owners from some major stress ,having been there many times myself.It is SOOOO NICE having this Forum for sharing.
i think i'm gonna link this page to my mom. she never has understood my passion, this should help! LOL

oh yeah bevann, as excited as i am, i won't share this bit of good fortune with my non-horsey friends. they'd be sending the men in the white coats after me, for sure. when i got my first mini, they looked at me like i was green cheese, like i'd missed a belt loop, like i wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed or the reddest rock in the canyon.

oh and those cookies...TO DIE FOR! yum!! two for red, one for me. :eek:
i was holding my breath while doing chores this morning, not because of the smell but i wondering if i was gonna come across any loose poop but every pile was nice and firm. yayy!

has anybody ever mentioned the cookie thing to their vet? i'm pretty sure mine would either fall off his chair or laugh at me and poo-poo (no pun intended) the idea.
i've been there, where even finding money would not excite you like normal poop! so glad to hear it for you :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

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